Rendering quarto on demand

How to keep my content up-to-date without manual re-rendering of quarto file?

I have a very simple example of a quarto document:

title: "quarto_question"

#| echo: false
today_date <- Sys.Date()

days <- as.numeric(today_date - as.Date("1jan2025", "%d%b%Y"))
msg <- cat("Today is ", format(today_date, "%B %d, %Y"), ". It has been ", days, " days since January 1, 2025.", sep = "")


... which, when run on January 8, renders to a webpage that has:

Today is January 08, 2025. It has been 7 days since January 1, 2025.

The problem is I do not want to re-render this quarto document every day, e.g. I don't want to have to go into RStudio and re-render, I do not want to have to do a Pull Request to make use of GitHub Actions to re-render, etc. I just want it to be accurate whenever the end user points their browser at it, i.e. dynamic rendering.

Of course, I could create a Shiny app and have all of this dynamically rendered, but I would like to avoid that! Please tell me there is a better, non-Shiny way to do this.
