Rendering order for the quarto files in a directory

What is the default order when quarto renders a directory which includes multiple *.qmd files? Let's say, I have a direcotory, quarto_dir, with three files, A.qmd, B.qmd, and C.qmd. By default, what is the order quarto would follow to render the files when running the command quarto render quarto_directory --to html? If I would like to change the order, like C, then B, then A, is there any way to achieve it?

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By default, Quarto renders .qmd files in alphanumeric order (A.qmd → B.qmd → C.qmd). To change the order, list the files explicitly in the _quarto.yml file under the project: render section like this:

    - C.qmd
    - B.qmd
    - A.qmd

This ensures Quarto processes them in your preferred sequence.

I have a follow-up question: Is it possible to provide a separate file that lists the Quarto documents in a predefined order, instead of listing them directly in the _quarto.yml file?

Thank you for your assistance.

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