I want to render Georgian text in shiny app. I use following code:
output$Sect_table <- renderPrint(get_sector(input$Sector_id))
and output is following:
I use UTF-8 encoding, but it isn't solution.
how can I handle this problem?
I want to render Georgian text in shiny app. I use following code:
output$Sect_table <- renderPrint(get_sector(input$Sector_id))
and output is following:
I use UTF-8 encoding, but it isn't solution.
how can I handle this problem?
I think in this situation you would avoid the standard renderText and renderPrint functions and use the more generic uiOutput/renderUI
ui <- fluidPage(
gtext <- "პ"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$norm <- renderText(gtext)
output$george <- renderUI(gtext)
shinyApp(ui, server)
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