I have some markdown text ("tips" in my example) stored in yml files that I'd like to render in an interactive RMarkdown. If I use results = "asis", I can do this just fine with either markdown or html syntax. However, if I try to interactively render the text, it doesn't work.
So far I've thought about the following solutions:
moving the tips into their own markdown files (this would work, but would be clunky)
As you are trying to use renderUI, I do not think it render a text output that could be render asis by rmarkdown. Maybe with renderText output. However, when I try that, markdown is not converted to HTML and HTML is not render as HTML but as text. So, I would suggest an approach where you really decide what you want to print.
TIps are in HTML or Markdown. Render them in html string using knitr::knit2html. Use text input here, and fragment.only=TRUE beacause you don't want any <body> or <header> tag. Just the text converted to HTML string.
Use renderUI to render this HTML but do not forget to use shiny::HTML() to tell shiny that the string contains HTML tags that you do not want to be escaped. Otherwise your links won't appear as links.
Here is how:
df_print: paged
runtime: shiny
```{r include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
yml_info <- list(
tip1 = list(tip = 'This is a [link](https://forum.posit.co/).'),
tip2 = list(tip = 'Here is an HTML <a href = "https://forum.posit.co/">link</a>!'))
selectInput("whichtip", label = "Select puzzle:",
choices = c("tip1", "tip2"))
actionButton("tip", "Tip")
show_tip <- eventReactive(input$tip, {
tip <- yml_info[[input$whichtip]]$tip
# render markdown tip to HTML
out <- knitr::knit2html(text = tip, fragment.only = TRUE)
# output non-escaped HTML string
Here is the tip: