Rendering code blocks in learnr with backticks

I'm using learnr to build a tutorial for R Markdown. I'd like to include a code block with backticks to show the building of an R Markdown script. However, this is causing issues. I've tried escape characters and varying the number of backticks to start the code block but can't seem to get it working. I believe it is possible as the learnr website does basically what I'm looking to achieve (maybe I'm just looking at it from the wrong angle) - the first code block here: Interactive Tutorials for R • learnr

Referred here by learnr's GitHub

Based on Yihue's StackOverflow answer from about 5 years ago, you can do the following: Fence the whole code section with four backticks, and add `r''` to the beginning of each code chunk. Here's what the document looks like. (Incidentally, I had to fence this whole example with five backticks in order to display it properly.)

title: "Hello, Tutorial!"
output: learnr::tutorial
runtime: shiny_prerendered

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

title: "Hello, Tutorial!"
output: learnr::tutorial
runtime: shiny_prerendered

`r ''````{r setup, include=FALSE}

This code computes the answer to one plus one, change it so it computes two plus two:

`r ''````{r addition, exercise=TRUE}
1 + 1

Here's what the output looks like:

Hi joels,

Thanks for this! I did come across it but didn't read it properly. It's not quite the same as the learnr website as the code is unformatted but it's definitely a step closer.

I think this is the Rmd that drives that page. It looks like they have a "loadSnippet" JavaScript function (called on line 41). The JS file gets loaded in the header. And then the snippets themselves are Markdown files.

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Yep, that looks about right. I can see the Javascript too. Guess I'll need to get my web dev hat on. Thanks Angela_Zoss!

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