Hi below is a reproducible example, I am trying to select rows in the renderDataTable (with rows highlighted that contain id and date) that will allow the user to select the id that will trigger a query based on the selected row numbers match rows with the original dataset display the points (this works ok as below).
However in my own example im linking to an external postgres database and where dat2 =subset(alldat, id %in% dat1) is displayed im using dat2 = dbGetQuery(con, paste(), sep=") etc... and it gets the data ok but does not update the plot when clicking on the rows unless its the same row selection. Do i need to trap or store the event each time I click on a row...? Any help will greatly received.
# Application title
titlePanel("Test tracks"),
checkboxGroupInput(inputId="shps.select", label="Select layer",
choices=c("tracks" = "tracks", "MPA" = "mpa")),
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = 400)
# Global variables
# Example coords data
coords <- list(
c(-122.36075812146, 47.6759920119894),
c(-122.360781646764, 47.6668890126755),
c(-122.360782108665, 47.6614990696722),
c(-122.366199035722, 47.6614990696722),
c(-122.366199035722, 47.6592874248973),
c(-122.364582509469, 47.6576254522105),
c(-122.363887331445, 47.6569107302038),
c(-122.360865528129, 47.6538418253251),
c(-122.360866157644, 47.6535254473167),
c(-122.360866581103, 47.6533126275176),
c(-122.362526540691, 47.6541872926348),
c(-122.364442114483, 47.6551892850798),
c(-122.366077719797, 47.6560733960606),
c(-122.368818463838, 47.6579742346694),
c(-122.370115159943, 47.6588730808334),
c(-122.372295967029, 47.6604350102328),
c(-122.37381369088, 47.660582362063),
c(-122.375522972109, 47.6606413027949),
c(-122.376079703095, 47.6608793094619),
c(-122.376206315662, 47.6609242364243),
c(-122.377610811371, 47.6606160735197),
c(-122.379857378879, 47.6610306942278),
c(-122.382454873022, 47.6627496239169),
c(-122.385357955057, 47.6638573778241),
c(-122.386007328104, 47.6640865692306),
c(-122.387186331506, 47.6654326177161),
c(-122.387802656231, 47.6661492860294),
c(-122.388108244121, 47.6664548739202),
c(-122.389177800763, 47.6663784774359),
c(-122.390582858689, 47.6665072251861),
c(-122.390793942299, 47.6659699214511),
c(-122.391507906234, 47.6659200946229),
c(-122.392883050767, 47.6664166747017),
c(-122.392847210144, 47.6678696739431),
c(-122.392904778401, 47.6709016021624),
c(-122.39296705153, 47.6732047491624),
c(-122.393000803496, 47.6759322346303),
c(-122.37666945305, 47.6759896300663),
c(-122.376486363943, 47.6759891899754),
c(-122.366078869215, 47.6759641734893),
c(-122.36075812146, 47.6759920119894)
coords <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", coords))
colnames(coords) = c("longitude", "latitude")
coords$longitude = round(coords$longitude, 2)
#create unique id as a test
coords = transform(coords,id=as.numeric(factor(longitude)))
# add example dates column
start <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
end <- start - as.difftime(7, units = "days")
length <- nrow(coords)
exampledates <- seq(from = start, to = end, length.out = length)
coords$timestamp <- exampledates
#dummy ids
id = data.frame(matrix(c(1,2,3,4),nrow=4,ncol=2))
colnames(id) = c("id", "test")
server = shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({ leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% setView(-122.37, 47.6659, zoom = 14)})
datsel = reactive({coords})
idx = reactive({id})
output$x3 = DT::renderDataTable(idx(), server = FALSE)
# Create map
map <- leafletProxy("map")
map %>% clearShapes()
# Get select inputs
shps.select <- input$shps.select # the function is triggered when the select option changes
if (length(shps.select) > 0) {
if ('tracks' %in% shps.select) {
alldat = datsel()
ids <- input$x3_rows_selected
#dat1 = dat[ids, , drop = FALSE]
dat1 = isolate(paste0(dat[ids, , drop = FALSE][[1]], sep = ""))
dat2 =subset(alldat, id %in% dat1)
if (nrow(dat2) == 0){
leafletProxy("map") %>% addCircles(lng=~longitude, lat= ~latitude, group = "track_id",
data = dat2)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)