remove entries in Rstudio ctrl+up list

Reading the Rstudio documentation.

I use the ctrl+up keys all of the time to look for previous commands that match keywords.
However i'd like to remove some of the history that pops up. (I have a password that keeps coming up since i inadvertently typed it on the command line by mistake.)

How can i remove individual entries?

ps. i saw in another thread this was asked in 2019 and someone recommended the user to make a feature request. Was this ever implemented


Hi @andyb -

On my Mac, the history appears to get written to two system location text files: ~/.local/share/rstudio/history_database and ~/.Rhistory.

I'm not saying you should, but if you have sensitive information in your history that you want to remove, finding and deleting those lines in your files may be a way to solve this. On my computer, deleting both of those files and re-starting RStudio removed ALL of the history, so it stands to reason that if you edit them, you would keep some of the history.

But again, given these are system files, do so at your own risk.


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