Remove empty/NA rows (janitor)

I tried to use remove_empty() from {janitor} to remove all the NA-only columns/rows, but I could only remove the NA-only column, leaving the NA-only row

data <- data.frame(x1 = c(1:4, 99999, 1, NA, 1, 1, NA),   # Create example data frame
>                    x1 = c(1:5, 1, "NA", 1, 1, "NA"),
>                    x1 = c(letters[c(1:3)], "x  x",  "x", "y y y", "x", "a", "a", NA),
>                    x4 = "",
>                    x5 = NA)
> data_y <- replace(data, data=='', NA)
> data_y <- data %>% remove_empty(which = c("rows","cols"))

What I got:

         x1       x1.1       x1.2        x4
> 1      1          1          a   
> 2      2          2          b   
> 3      3          3          c   
> 4      4          4        x  x   
> 5     99999       5          x   
> 6      1          1        y y y   
> 7     NA         NA          x   
> 8      1          1          a   
> 9      1          1          a   
> 10    NA         NA        < NA >

Row #10 was still there, and somehow the column name of "x4" was there too.

Is there anything wrong with my code?

This contains the literal text N and A, and not a symbol NA or NA_char.

Ahh I see, I didn't notice that. Thank you so much!

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