Hey i have a problem with my regression analysis
I have 4 Treatment Groups, thus I've tried to build Dummy Variables for those. Then I wanted to put those dummies in the Regression as dependent Variables. I used the Trigger of my Survey to build those new Variables by recoding them ...
The problem is that I only get NA's as coefficients, which is super frustrating cause I don't find the problem
Dummy- Variablen für die Treatment - Gruppen erstellen, um eine Regression zu erstellen
Treatement 1
Rohdaten_xlsx$DT1 <- recode(Rohdaten_xlsx$c_0001,"1=1;2:4=0")
#Treatment 2
Rohdaten_xlsx$DT2 <- recode(Rohdaten_xlsx$c_0001,"2=1;1=0; 3:4=0")
#Treatement 3
Rohdaten_xlsx$DT3 <- recode(Rohdaten_xlsx$c_0001,"3=1;1:2=0;4=0")
#Treatement 4
Rohdaten_xlsx$DT4 <- recode(Rohdaten_xlsx$c_0001,"4=1;1:3=0")
#Regression mit Dummies --> Problem nur NA Werte
Model_Preise_2<- lm(Rohdaten_xlsx$KB_T1~ Rohdaten_xlsx$DHP1n+ Rohdaten_xlsx$DHG1n +Rohdaten_xlsx$DT1+ Rohdaten_xlsx$DT2+Rohdaten_xlsx$DT3)
My professor said I Also can use as.factor in my regression, because this would build the dummies
-> I just don't know how to use these
Thanks for your help