I'm getting the same error on this code:
model_challenger <- lm(challengervoteshare ~ challengerspending, data = spend)
here is the error: Error in eval(predvars, data, env) :
object 'challengervoteshare' not found
Here is the info on the variables. I dont think I am using the mutate correctly which is causing issues with the regression
This note explains the contents of the data file HouseElectionSpending2018 (available in csv or dta format).
Each row corresponds to a U.S. House election in 2018.
The sample is restricted to contested elections between an incumbent and a challenger.
Summary of variables
state: state postal code
dist: district number
incumbent: "R" if the incumbent is a Republican, "D" if the incumbent is a Democrat
repvoteshare: the Republican candidate's two-party vote share (i.e., Republican votes/(Republican votes + Democratic votes) in 2018
repspending: a measure of the campaign spending of the Republican (specifically, the natural logarithm of dollars spent plus 1)
demspending: a measure of the campaign spending of the Democrat (specifically, the natural logarithm of dollars spent plus 1)
(Note: because campaign spending is measured as the natural logarithm of dollars spent, we approximately interpret a one-unit
increase in these variables as a doubling of campaign spending)
trumpvoteshare: the two-party vote share of Donald Trump (the Republican) in the 2016 presidential election in that district
lagrepvoteshare: the Republican candidate's two-party vote share in the previous House election (in 2016)