I'm trying to extract the digits and letters following "not" but I don't want to retrieve "not". I know how to do it in Perl or Go, but I'm missing something in R.
x = "not ab300c_7787 or not ab300c_7038 and not ab300c_7312"
str_extract_all(x1, "not [:word:]+")
returns "not ab300c_7787" "not ab300c_7038" "not ab300c_7312" but I want "ab300c_7787" "ab300c_7038" "ab300c_7312"
x = "not ab300c_7787 or not ab300c_7038 and not ab300c_7312"
stringr::str_extract_all(x, "(?<= not )[:word:]+")
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "ab300c_7038" "ab300c_7312"
Ah, had to go back another piece. Couldn't figure out a single pass to pick up the first string.
x = "not ab300c_7787 or not ab300c_7038 and not ab300c_7312"
unlist(c(stringr::str_extract(x,"(?<= not )[:word:]+"), stringr::str_extract_all(x, "(?<= not )[:word:]+")))
#> [1] "ab300c_7038" "ab300c_7038" "ab300c_7312"