regex pattern in expr() ??

Hello. I'm not sure if Im going about in the right way but Im trying to apply a series of regex pattern to a list column and create indicator variable for each match type.

The second construct gives warnings. And Im not quite sure why... If I try building the dataframe, df1 in different way by having Endorsement_splits column to be a list of vectors instead of list of lists, the second construct partially works. But it does fail some regex test. The failure occurs on the first row where Science Regex test fails... Any help will be greatly appreciated!

I hope I have this post formatted properly...


df1 <- structure(list(ID = c("303667", "527334", "546623", "10106063", 
                      "10087570", "547163", "320356", "10106046", "10040214", "10033447"
Endorsements_splits = list(list("7-12 Biological Science", 
                                "7-12 General Science", "7-12 Physical Science", "7-12 Mathematics", 
                                "K-12 Computer Programming", "K-12 School Administrator"), 
                           list("7-12 Business Major", "7-12 Computer-Based Applications"), 
                           list("7-12 Business Major", "7-12 TESL", "7-A Alternative Education", 
                                "K-12 School Administrator"), list("7-12 CTE Business Management", 
                                                                   "7-12 Computer Science"), list("7-12 Social Studies", 
                                                                                                  "7-12 Computer Applications"), list("7-A B&I Bus Admin & Mgr Services"), 
                           list("K-8 Elementary", "7-12 Business", "7-12 OCC Home Economics", 
                                "K-12 Computer Application", "K-12 Computer Literacy"), 
                           list("7-12 ARL Physical Science"), list("7-12 Biological Science", 
                                                                   "7-12 Chemistry", "7-12 General Science", "7-12 Physical Science", 
                                                                   "7-12 History of the US & World", "7-12 Social Studies", 
                                                                   "7-12 Computer Science"), list("7-12 Business Education", 
                                                                                                  "7-12 English Major"))), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("tbl_df", 
                                                                                                                                                              "tbl", "data.frame"))

Math_TestExp <- regex("(\\b(Math|Mathematics).*\\b(\\w)?)", comments=TRUE, ignore_case=TRUE)
Science_TestExp <- regex("(^((?!.*computer)(?!.*Political)(?!.*health)(?!.*Library)(?!.*forensic).*science)\\b(\\w)?)|(^[\\*]?\\b(Biology|Chemistry|Botany|Geology|Physics|Physiology|zoology)\\b(\\w)?)", comments=TRUE, ignore_case=TRUE)
ComputerScience_TestExp <- regex("(\\w)?(\\b)(computer|Digital\\sGame\\sDevelopment|Information\\sTechnology)", comments=TRUE, ignore_case=TRUE)

## THIS works great... 
FirstTry_dfCertifiedTeachers <- 
  df1 %>% 
  mutate(Math_Endorsed = map_int(Endorsements_splits, ~ { str_detect(unlist(.), Math_TestExp) %>% any() %>% ifelse(., 1, 0) %>% as.integer()})) %>% 
  mutate(Science_Endorsed = map_int(Endorsements_splits, ~ { str_detect(unlist(.), Science_TestExp) %>% any() %>% ifelse(., 1, 0) %>% as.integer()})) %>% 
  mutate(CompSci_Endorsed = map_int(Endorsements_splits, ~ { str_detect(unlist(.), ComputerScience_TestExp) %>% any() %>% ifelse(., 1, 0) %>% as.integer()}))

## But I would like to try this construct... 
Endorsements_CategoryName <- c(
EndorsementsCertification_Tests <- list(
EndoCerts_Categorize_Helper <- EndorsementsCertification_Tests %>% map(~ expr( str_detect(Endorsements_splits, !!.x))) %>% 

SecondTry_dfCertifiedTeachers <- 
  df1 %>% mutate(!!!EndoCerts_Categorize_Helper) 
#> Warning in stri_detect_regex(string, pattern, negate = negate, opts_regex =
#> opts(pattern)): argument is not an atomic vector; coercing
#> Warning in stri_detect_regex(string, pattern, negate = negate, opts_regex =
#> opts(pattern)): argument is not an atomic vector; coercing

#> Warning in stri_detect_regex(string, pattern, negate = negate, opts_regex =
#> opts(pattern)): argument is not an atomic vector; coercing

SecondTry_dfCertifiedTeachers %>% View()

The second construct gives warnings. And Im not quite sure why...

I think the only difference come from the unlist(): your Endorsements_splits column contains lists, when using map_int(Endorsements_splits, ~ { str_detect(unlist(.) ... you're transforming each list to a character vector before calling str_detect(). In your second construct, you're directly feeding lists in str_detect(), which does the right thing by auto-coercing to character vector, but warns you about it.

As to how to solve it, with all these expr() and !!!, I don't know. But if the goal is simply to have any number of categories, I think this is one of those cases where a basic for loop is more readable:

Endorsements_CategoryName <- c(

Named_EndorsementsCertification_Tests <- setNames(EndorsementsCertification_Tests,

ThirdTry <- df1
for(category in Endorsements_CategoryName){
  ThirdTry[[category]] <- map_int(ThirdTry$Endorsements_splits,
                                   ~ str_detect(unlist(.), 
                                                Named_EndorsementsCertification_Tests[[category]]) %>%

waldo::compare(ThirdTry, FirstTry_dfCertifiedTeachers)
#> √ No differences

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