Hello everyone,
I am using nnet
in caret
. The nnet document shows that the package uses BFGS optimization method (page no. 5, last line of documentation).
- Where can find the details the BFGS, particularly the learning rate/step size?
- How is it different from optimization method in Keras R such as SGD, adam, rmsprop ?
myControl <- caret::trainControl(## n-fold CV
method = "repeatedcv",
number = 5,
repeats = 1,
verboseIter = TRUE)nnGrid <- expand.grid(size =5,
decay = seq(0, 0.6, 0.1))nnetFit <- caret::train(choice ~ .,
data = tbl,
method = "nnet",
tuneGrid = nnGrid,
trace = FALSE,
maxit = 1000,
trControl = myControl)