Hi you all, I have a question toward relevel the reference class in Logistic Regression. I used exactly the same codes as my professor giving but the reference class still not functioned as I set, anyone knows what is the reason for that?
Below are my code script. For some reason the forum does not accept my csv file, I did not mean to be rude, but if you guys could recognisize something, that would be great. Thanks a lot!
# install and acticate the following package
# "regclass"
# R-Studio logistic regression with OrganicsData.csv data
OrganicsData <- read.csv
ogdata <- OrganicsData
## relevel DemGender & PromClass
DemGender <- relevel(DemGender, ref = "M")
PromClass <- relevel(PromClass, ref = "Silver")
## since the outcome variable TargetBuy is stored as integer
## convert the column into factors
TargetBuy <- as.factor(TargetBuy)
# fit a logistic regression model with the given set of variables
finalmodel <- glm(TargetBuy ~.-ï..ID,
data = ogdata, family = binomial)
# View estimation results
# compute and display odds ratios
oddsratios <- exp(coef(finalmodel))
# predicting the probabilities for individual cases from model
predicted_probabilities <- predict(finalmodel, ogdata, type= "response")
## setting a threshold to then predict 1 or 0
threshold <- 0.5
predictions <- factor( ifelse(predicted_probabilities >= threshold, 1, 0))
odata <- ogdata
odata <- cbind(odata, predicted_probabilities, predictions)
# Confusion Matrix for the Logistic Regression model
# install and acticate the following package
# regclass
## use the confusion_matrix() function from this package
Thanks a lot for the contributing.
I did follow the instructions to set the reference level. However, my question still is: I set "Male" as reference level and it is still existed in the final predicted output.
A bit different for PromClass, I set "Silver" as reference class. But at the end the predicted output referred to PromClassGold which I am very curious why that happens?
Thanks, Sophia. Unfortunately, I can't unlock that without a SAS installation, which I don't have. I'll try to replicate a similar database and see what I can figure out.
Thanks. I would post this as a gist, so others can follow along, but I'm not sure of the IP restrictions.
Rather than attaching ogdata, I changed the values in place to avoid namespace clashes between the attached fields changes and ogdata, which does not reflect those changes, e.g.,
What I meant was predict TargetBuy with all the independent variables except ï..ID. that's why I put :
finalmodel <- glm(TargetBuy ~.-ï..ID,
data = ogdata, family = binomial)
"-ï..ID" means excluding that variable.
Looking cool!
My question is : is your output the same as you expected? The outputs of DemGender and PromClass won't show the base class which are "Male" & "Silver" respectively?