read and plot CALIPSO level-2 satellite data


I am trying to read the HDF file level-2 data for CALIPSO satellite data,

the data can be found:

I want to make the plot like the attached plot.

If anyone has done that, please let me know


Hi @kunal.bali9, Im try to open the file but is .hdf but I dont know how open in Rstudio.

I think that this plot is possible with ggplot2 library.

You could put a reproducible example of data?

Reproducible example


Thanks for your time.

I am also trying the best package for this.
But so far, I think with the "terra" package, I can read this file.

f <- "CAL_LID_L2_01kmCLay-ValStage1-V3-41.2022-02-28T23-12-48ZD.hdf"
describe(f, sds=T)

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