I am struggling to sort out the reactive elements of a small dashboard where two selectinput items (1) substance and (2) compartment are required to select data that is then graphed. The substance name is taken from a table (subs_summary) that includes its name (subs_name), id (subs_id) and a whole bunch of other attributes (I have only provided 2 for the example). The tables are stored in an RSQLite database. The compartment comes from a table (subs_cdf) which stores the id (subs_id), compartment and percentiles data (P1 ... P100, I have only provided 4 for the reprex). In order to populate the compartment selectinput we need to lookup the subs_id in the subs_summary table for the selected substance first.
The selectinput drop downs are defined as uiOutput in the UI which I understand are reactive. The observeevent is working for the compartment drop down as it updates appropriately for the substance selected ... the issue is that the graph does not react to the drop down selections. It seems input$compartment.select is not being picked up as if I req(input$compartment.select) the graph never displays and if I drop this then it doesn't plot giving me an error of "Query requires 2 params; 1 supplied". If I try and put the data prep statements within a reactive function I get an unbounded query error.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am going round the houses on this one.
Thanks in advance
#Make some dummy data
subs.summary <- as.data.frame(list(subs_id = c(1, 2), subs_name = c("Substance1", "Substance2")))
subs.cdf <- as.data.frame(list(subs_id = c(1, 1, 2,2), compartment=c("sw", "rw", "sw", "lw")))
subs.cdf$P1 <- seq.int(1,0.7,-0.1)
subs.cdf$P2 <- seq.int(2,1.25,-0.25)
subs.cdf$P3 <- seq.int(2,0.5,-0.5)
subs.cdf$P4 <- seq.int(4,1,-1)
dbconn <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "c:/temp/test.db")
dbWriteTable(conn = dbconn, name = 'subs_summary', value = subs.summary, row.names = FALSE, header = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
dbWriteTable(conn = dbconn, name = 'subs_cdf', value = subs.cdf, row.names = FALSE, header = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
ui <- fluidPage(
plotlyOutput(outputId = 'cdfp1', width='100%', height='600px' )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
dbconn <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "c:/temp/test.db")
subs.names <- dbGetQuery(dbconn,'SELECT subs_name FROM subs_summary')
output$substance.select <- renderUI ({
selectInput(inputId = "substance.select",label = "Substance selection",
choices = subs.names, selected = subs.names$subs_name[1])
output$compartment.select <- renderUI ({
subs.id.selected <- dbGetQuery(dbconn, 'SELECT subs_id FROM subs_summary WHERE subs_name = ?', params = c(input$substance.select))[1, 1]
compartments.subs.selected <- dbGetQuery(dbconn, 'SELECT compartment FROM subs_cdf WHERE subs_id = ?', params = subs.id.selected)
selectInput(inputId = "compartment.selected",label = "Compartment selection",
choices = compartments.subs.selected, selected = compartments.subs.selected$compartment[1])
observeEvent(input$substance.select, {
subs.id.selected <- dbGetQuery(dbconn, 'SELECT subs_id FROM subs_summary WHERE subs_name = ?', params = input$substance.select)[1, 1]
compartments.subs.selected <- dbGetQuery(dbconn, 'SELECT compartment FROM subs_cdf WHERE subs_id = ?', params = subs.id.selected)
updateSelectInput(session, "compartment.select", choices = compartments.subs.selected, selected = compartments.subs.selected$compartment[1])
output$cdfp1 <- renderPlotly({
subs.id.selected <- dbGetQuery(dbconn, 'SELECT subs_id FROM subs_summary WHERE subs_name = ?', params = c(input$substance.select))[1, 1]
subs.cdf.selected <- dbGetQuery(dbconn, 'SELECT * FROM subs_cdf WHERE subs_id = ? AND compartment = ?', params = c(subs.id.selected, input$compartment.select))
subs.cdf.selected.t <- as.data.frame(t(subs.cdf.selected[,3:6])) %>% dplyr::rename("conc" = "V1")
subs.cdf.selected.t$prob <- seq.int(0.1,0.4,0.1)
cdf1 <- ggplot(cdf_data, aes(x = conc, y = prob)) +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Concentration (µg/L)", y = "Probability")
shinyApp(ui, server)```