reactiveFileReader not updating after changes in the file

I'm using the reactiveFileReader to load a csv. The csv (stored in my DropBox account) has a single line with some configuration values. The problem is that when I change the values from the interface and save them into the csv, the reactiveFileReader doesn't upload the file again, and I have lots of other reactive expressions that dependends on the configuration values.
Do you know why this might be happening?

Besides, each time a user logs the files are downloading again when I'm using a cross-session configuration.

Thanks in advance.

 server <- function(input, output, session) {

    conf <<- reactiveFileReader(100,NULL,paste0(inputDir,"conf.csv"),loadCSV)

    articles <<- reactive({
    outputbody <- renderUI({
           actionButton("saveConfig", ...)


To solve the problems I'm finally doing this:

I hope it helps someone else.

  conf <<- loadCSV("conf.csv")
  server <- function(input, output, session) {

   rv <- reactiveValues(conf=0)

   articles <<- reactive({

  outputbody <- renderUI({
       actionButton("saveConfig", ...)

     conf <<- newConf 
     rv$conf <- rv$conf + 1 

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