April 21, 2020, 6:54am
down vote
I have a question regarding the development of an interactive shiny app that enables users to check which municipality in the Netherlands has the highest 'score' according to different "quality of life dimensions". Ideally, the result is an interactive map that shows five different slide bars with a scale from 1 to 5. These slide bars represent five dimensions which the user can drag to set his preferred weight value per dimension. The application should then show automatically (or using the find button) a map with the municipalities that have the highest 'score' based on these weight values. The dataset consists of a shapefile called MunScores2016 that contains al…
I have run into the exact same problem as this post from 2018 and was wondering if anyone had any ideas.
That person likely got no assistance because they did not provide a reprex of their attempted solution. Code without data is ... not so useful.
You yourself probably found it hard to leverage the partial work of the other poster because I'm guessing you don't have their data?
For a guide on how to reprex well (to get the best result from this forum) please read the guide.
FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example ( reprex ) for beginners
May 12, 2020, 8:12am
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