I am making a shiny app that should download a .html file from dropbox and show it in said shiny app via a htmlOutput()
. Furthermore, I have it running on a AWS EC2 t2.micro instance (with all the shiny server configurations based on this article). The problem is that my app works on localhost, shinyapps; but, it does not work on my EC2 instance.
Here is the source code (app.R):
# token <- drop_auth()
# saveRDS(token, "droptoken.rds")
# Upload droptoken to your server
# ******** WARNING ********
# Losing this file will give anyone
# complete control of your Dropbox account
# You can then revoke the rdrop2 app from your
# dropbox account and start over.
# ******** WARNING ********
# read it back with readRDS
token <- readRDS("droptoken.rds")
# Then pass the token to each drop_ function
drop_acc(dtoken = token)
ui <- fluidPage(
h1("rdrop2 practice"),
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
directoryPath <- paste0("path1/", "path2/")
fileName <- "file.html"
filePath <- paste0(directoryPath, fileName)
# Download File
filePut <-
withProgress(message = "Generating File",
detail = "This may take few seconds depending of your Internet connection",
drop_download(path = filePath,
local_path = "./www",
overwrite = TRUE,
dtoken = token)
}, silent = TRUE)
# Show File
output$viewFile <- renderUI({
need(filePut, 'File Not Available')
seamless = "seamless",
src = filePut)
shinyApp(ui, server)
When the app runs on localhost or shinyapps.io, the app does the proper thing and shows the html file on the htmlOutput('viewFile')
. Meanwhile, it does not work on the EC2 instance. I searched all over the internet for some solution, but nothing I try works.
If somebody has some idea on what is causing this behavior, I will appreciate the help !
Note: I noticed that my EC2 instance does not send XHR requests during the app runtime (unlike in shinyapps)