rddensity plot is not bell shaped, rather its flat, how can i correct it?

my command and result are attached here, kindly guide me:
rdplotdensity(rdd = rddensity(f2$PSC,c = 16.17),
X = f2$PSC,
type = "both")

Call: lpdensity

Sample size 2280
Polynomial order for point estimation (p=) 2
Order of derivative estimated (v=) 1
Polynomial order for confidence interval (q=) 3
Kernel function triangular
Scaling factor 0.552058111380145
Bandwidth method user provided

Use summary(...) to show estimates.

Call: lpdensity

Sample size 1851
Polynomial order for point estimation (p=) 2
Order of derivative estimated (v=) 1
Polynomial order for confidence interval (q=) 3
Kernel function triangular
Scaling factor 0.44818401937046
Bandwidth method user provided

Use summary(...) to show estimates.

