Rcheck: Warning: replacing previous import

Hey guys,

I have a package that loads two other packages that have export the same RefClass. In detail,

First package: Qs1API

API <- function(...) {
  tmpObj <- methods::new(getClassDef(".API", package = "Qs1API", inherits = FALSE), ...)

Second package: Qs2API

API <- function(...) {
  tmpObj <- methods::new(getClassDef(".API", package = "Qs2API", inherits = FALSE), ...)

I know have a package called LoadeR that needs both packages. So basically, calling both APIs within the package seems to work with the presented way of using methods::new and getClassDef. However, I cannot execute an RCheck successfully. That is, I get the warning

W  checking whether package ‘LoadeR’ can be installed (5.6s)
   Found the following significant warnings:
     Warning: replacing previous import ‘Qs1API::API’ by ‘Qs2API::API’ when loading ‘LoadeR’
0 errors ✔ | 1 warning ✖ | 2 notes ✖
Error: R CMD check found WARNINGs
Execution halted

Honestly, I don't understand why R appears to have a problem with two class method names coming from different namespace - In my opinion, this is exactly the use case for annotation with namespaces.

Any ideas how to resolve this without disabling all warnings?

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