Raspberry Pi as a viable Shiny server

I am considering setting up a Raspberry Pi to run a Shiny server with a "home dashboard" app - a list of daily tasks, the time for next train, menu in school cafeteria & so on.

In other words I am holding a R shaped answer and I am looking at the world as a set of R shaped problems.

My question is whether someone else has tried running Shiny server on the Raspberry Pi and whether it was a viable platform. Going by the specs the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ should be just about able to manage a simple Shiny app, but I am not sure.


Recently I have installed shiny server on a raspberry pi 3 B+, as a backup server, for a simple shiny app that I use for my business.
Performance is slow, especially for plotting, but overall it's usable.
If you have troubles installing shiny server on your pi, get in touch with me, I can share what I have learned about it.


In addition, I don't know if you know it but may be you could try plot caching for shiny in order to reduce the slowness of plots.

I have considered using that new functionality, but my input data changes on a daily basis so for my particular application, I see no point at the end.

Thank you for your advice and kind words; I will go forward with the little project. I will try myself at first, but if I hit a snag I will take your offer :slight_smile:

Good luck my friend, just be prepared for a lot of compiling and waiting :+1:

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This is very exciting. Have you written it up anywhere?

Are you going to document how you make it work? I would be very interested to see how it goes.

I just have all the bash commands that I have used to setup my server written on a txt.

This includes installing nginx, R 3.5.1, postgresql and shiny server

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A blog post would certainly make for a great read for a lot of people!


I'd love to see a blog post on that. I'd also be happy to write it up if you'd prefer not to but didn't mind sharing that txt file?

Would be useful/interesting to a lot of people I'm sure.

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I have no blog but I have made this post https://forum.posit.co/t/setting-up-your-own-shiny-server-on-a-raspberry-pi-3b/18982?u=andresrcs you can go from there.


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