R studio file is saving, but can not open later

I am using latest R and R studio version. When I am generating code, and saving the files, it is okay. Next day, when I am trying to open it. File does not shows any code, but does not shoing any error. Just Blank source.

Could you please help me to resolve the problem?

Thank you so much.

Let me make sure I understand this correctly: You can create a new .R file, run it and it does what it's supposed to do. You can save it, and RStudio saves it to a location where you can see it, and it has a non-zero file size. When you close the file and, re-open it, the code is still there. When you quit R studio and re-open the file it is also still there. But when you do this one day later, the same file still exists, only now its file size is zero and when you open it in RStudio it is empty?

Thank you so much for your response. I found the solution. This is problem from new version of R 4.4.2. I uninstall ans install R 4.4.0. Now it is working those files.
Thanks again.

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