R Studio Connect Upgrade Issue - -The configured value for database.dir cannot be located in rstudio-connects installation directory

After upgrading I am getting this error. Can someone please help?


is the error and the configured values in the config. The values are default and were working perfectly fine before the upgrade

echarbon [rstudio-connect] $ sudo vi /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
echarbon [rstudio-connect] $ sudo cat /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
; RStudio Connect configuration file

  HideVersion = false
  SenderEmail = RStudio-Connect@abc.org
  EmailProvider = smtp
  EmailSubjectPrefix = "[RStudio Connect]"
  MailAll = false
  DataDir = /var/lib/rstudio-connect
  TempDir= /var/rstudio-connect
;  PublicWarning = "<strong>WARNING</strong>  This is a PublicWarning usually used to announce downtime to users before they log in."
;  LoggedInWarning = "This message appears when logging in"
;Each version of R needs an entry like below to enable use in R Connect
  RVersion = /usr/lib/R/3.6.1
  RVersionMatching = nearest
  RVersionScanning = true
  Address = https://rconnectprd.strs.us/
  AuditLog = /var/log/rstudio-connect.audit.log
  AuditLogFormat = JSON
  AccessLog = /var/log/rstudio-connect.access.log
  CompilationConcurrency = 2
  ViewerKiosk = false

; RStudio Connect will listen on this network address for HTTP connections.
;Listen = :80
;NoWarning = true

Listen = :443
Key = /etc/pki/tls/private/rconnectprd2021.abc.us.key
Certificate = /etc/pki/tls/certs/RCONNECT_2021_COMBINEDwithKEY_NEW.cer
Permanent = true
MinimumTLS = 1.2
;ExcludedCiphers = TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
;ExcludedCiphers = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
;ExcludedCiphers = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
;ExcludedCiphers = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
;ExcludedCiphers = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
;ExcludedCiphers = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA

Listen = :80
Target = https://rconnectprd.abc.us/

; Specifies the type of user authentication.
Provider = saml
ChallengeResponseEnabled = false
Lifetime = 1d
Inactivity = 8h
;Notice = "This is a test notice"
APIKeyAuth = true
CookieSweepDuration = 1h

IdpMetaData = https://login.microsoftonline.com/
IdpAttributeProfile = azure
SSOInitiated = IdPAndSP
IdPAttributeProfileGroups = false

;SelfRegistration = false

[LDAP "ABC LDAP Configuration"]
Logging = true
ServerAddress = abcDC.abc.us:636
TLS = true
BindDN = "trs\\RStudioAdminAppID"
BindPassword = "iC9Pc89R5YMZvZ&"
GroupSearchBaseDN = "ou=abv Groups,ou=Executive,dc=abc,dc=us"
UserObjectClass = user
GroupObjectClass = group
GroupNameAttribute = "sAMAccountName"
UserSearchBaseDN = "ou=Executive,dc=strs,dc=us"
UsernameAttribute = "sAMAccountName"
UserEmailAttribute = mail
UserFirstNameAttribute = givenName
UserLastNameAttribute = sn
PermittedLoginGroup = "CN=RStudio-ConnectUsers,OU=Strs Groups,OU=Executive,DC=abc,DC=us"

Host = "smtp.abc.us"
Port = 25
StartTLS = always
SSL = false

Provider = sqlite
Dir = {Server.DataDir}/db
MaxIdleConnections = 5
MaxOpenConnections = 10
ConnectionMaxLifetime = 60s

Dir = {Database.Dir}
Backup = true
BackupFrequency = 24h
BackupretentionLimit = 7

LicenseType = local
RemoteRetryFrequency = 10s
ExpirationEmail = true
ExpirationUIWarning = true

UserGroups = true
UserinfoEditableBy = Admin
DefaultUserRole = viewer
PublishersCanOwnGroups = false
PublishersCanManageVanities = true
ViewersCanonlySeeThemselves = false

RunAs = rstudio-connect
RunAsCurrentUser = false
RConfigActive = rsconnect
;Supervisor =
HomeMounting = false
;TempMounting = true
ShinyBookmarking = true
ShinyErrorSanitization = true
ShinyIsolation = true
MostPermissiveAccessType = all
AdminMostPermissiveAccessType = all
;MaxAppImageSize = 10000000
RenderingSweepLimit = 30
RenderingSweepAge = 30d
RenderingSweepFrequency = 1h
ViewerOnDemandReports = false
ViewerCustomizedReports = false
BundleReapFrequency = 24h
BundleRetentionLimit = 0
ScheduleConcurrency = 2
;DisabledProtocols =

;HTTPProxy =
;HTTPSProxy =
;External =

ReconnectTimeout = 15s

MaxProcesses = 3
MaxConnsPerProcess = 20
LoadFactor = 0.5
InitTimeout = 60s
IdleTimeout = 5s
MinProcessesLimit = 0
MaxProcessesLimit = 20
ConnectionTimeout = 1h
ReadTimeout = 1h

MaxCompleted = 1000
OldestCompleted = 30d

Enabled = true
;User = rstudio-connect
;DataPath = {Server.DataDir}/metrics
Interval = 60s
RRDEnabled = true
GraphiteEnabled = false
;GraphiteHost =
;GraphitePort =
;GraphiteClientId =
Instrumentation = true
InstrumentationServerHeartbeat = 15m

;EnforceMinRsconnectVersion = true

Enabled = false
;VersionMatching = major-minor
;Ececutable =
;ProhibitedPackaged = anaconda-client, anaconda-project, appnope, conda-env, conda, libcxx, libcxxabi, menuinst, mkl-fft, mkl-random, msinttypes, pywin32, pywinpty, rsconnect-jupyter, rsconnect_jupyter, rsconnect, vc-14, vc-9, vs2008_runtime, vs2008_win-32, vs2008_win-64, vs2013_runtime, vs2015_runtime, vs2015_win-32, vs2015_win-64, vs2017_win-64, win-inet-pton, win_inet_pton, win_unicode_console, wincertstore, winkerberos, winpty, xlwings

Concurrency = 2
Enabled = true
PollingFrequency = 15m
;Executable = system default

;Host =
;Username =
;Password =
;Protocol =

; Migrated settings section. Feel free to reorganize them.
IdPMetaDataURL = "https://login.microsoftonline.com"

Hi @Eric.Charbonneau,

Given that you're installing RStudio Connect, one of our professional products, this would be a good question to direct to our support team.

Details on how to submit a ticket are here: https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004788294-How-do-I-submit-a-Support-ticket-

One note - I don't think the {Server.DataDir} setting syntax in [Database]is standard. Removing this line may resolve your issue:

Dir = {Server.DataDir}/db

EDIT: Probably want to remove it from both the Database and Sqlite sections

I've submitted a ticket as well. Thanks

This is standard syntax and these are the default values per the manual. This is the working config values before the upgrade.

Glad to hear you submitted a ticket, thanks! We should be able to get things resolved there.

Are you talking about the default values here? Configuration - RStudio Connect: Admin Guide

That default is an "indicator" suggesting that we are building the default dynamically. I do not believe that that value is meant to be used verbatim or that we test as such. It is possible that the new release has changed something about how such values are treated (again, since we do not test that syntax to my knowledge).

I would recommend removing those lines and instead using the defaults as defined by Connect.

That said, the ticket is probably the best place to focus efforts for now :smile:

How would you suggest defining those sections of the config file?

Woops - apologies for missing this! Just remove them altogether :smile:

What we meant by "default" is that "if you do not define it, we will use this value," not that you need to set those values in the configuration file :smile: The default file that ships with Connect (and uses default values for nearly all settings) is more like this one:

; RStudio Connect configuration file

; See the Appendices - Configuration section of the
; RStudio Connect Admin Guide for details on the configuration file format.

; [ExampleSection]
; BooleanProperty = true
; DecimalProperty = 0.217
; StringProperty1 = "hello"
; StringProperty2 = "escape \"quotes\" within a value"
; MultiListProperty = "black"
; MultiListProperty = "blue"
; MultiListProperty = "green"
; DurationProperty = 300s

; Address is a public URL for this RStudio Connect server. Must be configured
; to enable features like including links to your content in emails. If
; Connect is deployed behind an HTTP proxy, this should be the URL for Connect
; in terms of that proxy.
; Address = "http://rstudio-connect.example.com"

; SenderEmail is an email address used by RStudio Connect to send outbound
; email. The system will not be able to send administrative email until this
; setting is configured.
; SenderEmail = "no-reply@example.com"

; Uncomment one of the following definitions to enable email-related features.
; EmailProvider = "SMTP"
; EmailProvider = "sendmail"

; If using SMTP, uncomment this section to configure an email server.
; [SMTP]
; Host = "smtp.example.com"
; Port = 587
; SSL = false
; StartTLS = "detect"
; User = "no-reply@example.com"
; Password = "secret"

; RStudio Connect will listen on this network address for HTTP connections.
Listen = ":3939"

; Specifies the type of user authentication.
Provider = "password"

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