I have this sort of "code" which inherently does not work as I cannot find a guide I can follow about matrixinput and rshiny on its own. Essentially, what I am hoping to create is a matrix input whose number of rows and columns can be changed through numeric inputs. How should I go about this?
textInput("rows", "Number of rows:", "")
textInput("columns", "Number of columns:", "")
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("shinyMatrix: Simple App"),
width = 6,
numericInput("rows", "Number of rows:", ""),
numericInput("columns", "Number of columns:", ""),
value = m,
rows = list(
names = TRUE,
editableNames = TRUE),
cols = list (
names = TRUE,
editableNames = TRUE
class = "numeric"),
width = 6,
server <- function(input, output, session) {
m <- matrix(0, nrow = input$rows, ncol = input$columns)
shinyApp(ui, server)