I would like to be able to apply a user defined function to the set of columns chosen via pickerInput
. The problem is I am unsure where I should apply it. The data I will use in the app is text and the custom function basically just cleans it up, removing special characters, stripping white space etc. The app requires the user to load one or two datafiles (csv or xls) and then i want to apply the function after the columns from each data file are chosen. The code is below.
X <- c("plyr", "dplyr", "tm", "readxl", "wordcloud", "SnowballC", "stringdist", "tidytext",
"rmarkdown", "knitr", "quanteda", "reshape", "stringr", "RecordLinkage",
"data.table", "rvest", "qdap", "shiny", "shinydashboard", "shinyWidgets", "DT")
lapply(X, FUN = function(X){
do.call("library", list(X))
# begin defining custom function
removeSPE <- function(x) gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", x)
removeStopWords <- function(x, stop) {
stop <- c("inc", "company", "co", "corporation", "corp", "incorporated", "llc",
"llp", "ltd", stopwords("english"))
x <- removeWords(x, stop)
cleanup <- function(x){
x <- as.character(x) # convert to character
x <- tolower(x) # make all lowercase
x <- sapply(x, removeSPE) # remove special characters
x <- trimws(x, "both") # since stopwords have been removed, there is extra white space left, this removes it
x <- sapply(x, removeStopWords)
x <- gsub("(?<=\\b\\w)\\s(?=\\w\\b)", "", x, perl = TRUE) # removes whitespace btwn two single chars
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Record Linkage App"),
## Tab 1 -- Specify Task
menuItem("Select Task And Upload Files", tabName = "task", icon = icon("file-text-o")),
## Tab 2 -- View Raw Data Files
menuItem("View Raw Data", tabName = "raw", icon = icon("file-text-o")),
## Tab 3 -- View Processed Data Files
menuItem("View Processed Data", tabName = "processed", icon = icon("file-text-o")),
## Tab 4 -- Select Training Set
menuItem("Select Training Set", tabName = "mltrain", icon = icon("file-text-o")),
## Tab 5 -- View Weight & Probabilities (choose which chart to view or both?)
menuItem("Visualize Distributions", tabName = "distributions", icon = icon("bar-chart-o")),
## Tab 6 -- View Results (review, match and trash files--need to be able to choose dataset)
## Want to be able to add checkboxes to select rows for inclusion in deletion later on
menuItem("View Result Files", tabName = "fileview", icon = icon("file-text-o"))
)), # close dashboard sidebar
#### Dashboard Body starts here
### Specify Task & Upload Files Tab
tabItem(tabName = "task",
radioButtons("task", "Select a Task:", c("Frame Deduplication", "Frame Record Linkage")),
fileInput("selection", "Upload Files:", multiple = T,
accept = c(".xlsx", ".xls", "text/csv", "text/comma-separated-values, text/plain", ".csv")),
helpText(paste("Please upload a file. Supported file types are: .txt, .csv and .xls.")),
helpText(paste("Note: Record Linkage requires two data frames."))
), # close first tabItem
tabItem(tabName = "raw",
helpText(paste("This tab displays the raw, unprocessed data frames selected in the previous tab.")),
helpText(paste("Select the columns you wish to display. These columns will be used for string comparisons")),
column(width = 6,
column(width = 6,
) # close tabItem
) # close tabItems
) # close dashboardBody
) # closes dashboardpage
options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 100*1024^2)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
data <- reactiveValues(file1 = NULL,
file2 = NULL)
if (!is.null(input$selection$datapath[1]))
if (grepl(".csv$", input$selection$datapath[1])) {
data$file1 <- read.csv(input$selection$datapath[1], header = TRUE, sep = ",")
} else if (grepl(".xls$|.xlsx$", input$selection$datapath[1])) {
data$file1 <- read_excel(input$selection$datapath[1], col_names = TRUE)
if (!is.null(input$selection$datapath[2]))
if (grepl(".csv$", input$selection$datapath[2])) {
data$file2 <- read.csv(input$selection$datapath[2], header = TRUE, sep = ",")
} else if (grepl(".xls$|.xlsx$", input$selection$datapath[2])) {
data$file2 <- read_excel(input$selection$datapath[2], col_names = TRUE)
output$pick_col1 <- renderUI({
inputId = "pick_col1",
label = "Select the columns of table 1 you wish to display:",
choices = colnames(data$file1),
selected = colnames(data$file1),
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE,
`selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(colnames(data$file1)) - 1),
`count-selected-text` = "Alle",
liveSearch = TRUE,
liveSearchPlaceholder = TRUE), # build buttons for collective selection
multiple = TRUE)
output$pick_col2 <- renderUI({
inputId = "pick_col2",
label = "Select the columns of table 2 you wish to display:",
choices = colnames(data$file2),
selected = colnames(data$file2),
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE,
`selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(colnames(data$file2)) - 1),
`count-selected-text` = "Alle",
liveSearch = TRUE,
liveSearchPlaceholder = TRUE), # build buttons for collective selection
multiple = TRUE)
clean1 <- reactive({
t <- cleanup(input$pick_col1)
output$content1 <- renderDataTable({
data$file1[, req(input$pick_col1)]
output$content2 <- renderDataTable({
data$file2[, req(input$pick_col2)]
shinyApp(ui, server)
I would like to apply the function cleanup
to what is chosen from pickerInput
. I have tried creating a different output
, say output$clean1 <- reactive({ cleanup(input$pick_col1)})
but I keep getting errors, usually 'Error in datatable: 'data' must be 2-dimensional'
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.