MAGICALLY! This is the message given back by Rstudio if I click the icon. I'm working with Ubuntu 20.04. I've found the file of interest in the ./miniconda3 directory....please help me
R shared library (/usr/local/lib64/R/lib/ not found. If this is a custom build of R, was it built with the --enable-R-shlib option?
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
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There is no need to compile R yourself on Ubuntu 20.04, simply follow the official installation instructions from CRAN and reinstall R, the binary available on the repository is compiled with the required options.
I've tried also with that one, but Rstudio doesn't work, same error as the beginning. .. I've tried to delete everything concerning R and Rstudio from my computer but when check the version with R --version I found the 3.6.1 don't know why. After installing from CRAN the latest version, the command still gives back 3.6.1 version
Ok, probably I've uninstall it unproperly because it doesn't work. please give me the lines for the best uninstall procedure and for the new version I'll follow the CRAN instruction
I think the above is the giveaway - I guess you installed R via conda as well. Maybe you either can deactivate your conda environment or remove R altogether from the conda env. Once you do that, your likelihood of success will be much higher.