R Session continues to crash

Hi! I am running R code, it is not that complicated and my data frame is not very large. I am applying a dictionary that I downloaded from github to my text data. Every time I run a particular chunk of code the session stops and I get the error code that says “R made a fatal error” and had to abort the session. I have updated R and R studio. I have restarted my session. I have cleared my environment. Here is the code below.

title: "hcmst_c2_04v2_SADCATdesc01"
output: html_document
date: "2024-07-12"

Set up libraries 
# set up SADCAT library

Full_Dictionaries = SADCAT::Dictionaries
Pre_Dictionaries = SADCAT::All.steps_Dictionaries

Full_Dictionaries = SADCAT::Dictionaries_FT
Pre_Dictionaries = SADCAT::All.steps_Dictionaries_FT

# Include only dictionary entries that are single words
Pre_Dictionaries$values0 = as.character(Pre_Dictionaries$values0)

Pre_Dictionaries = filter(Pre_Dictionaries, !str_count(Pre_Dictionaries$values0, ' ') > 0)

Pre_Dictionaries2 = Pre_Dictionaries %>%
  transmute(values0 = char_wordstem(values0, language = quanteda_options("language_stemmer")),
            Sociability_dic = ifelse(Sociability_dict == 1, values0, ""),
            Morality_dic = ifelse(Morality_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Ability_dic = ifelse(Ability_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Assertiveness_dic = ifelse(Agency_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Status_dic = ifelse(Status_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Warmth_dic = ifelse(Warmth_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Competence_dic = ifelse(Competence_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Beliefs_dic = ifelse(Beliefs_dict ==1, values0,""),

            Sociability_dic_hi = ifelse(Sociability_dict_hi == 1, values0, ""),
            Morality_dic_hi = ifelse(Morality_dict_hi ==1, values0,""),
            Ability_dic_hi = ifelse(Ability_dict_hi ==1, values0,""),
            Assertiveness_dic_hi = ifelse(Agency_dict_hi ==1, values0,""),
            Status_dic_hi = ifelse(Status_dict_hi ==1, values0,""),
            Warmth_dic_hi = ifelse(Warmth_dict_hi ==1, values0,""),
            Competence_dic_hi = ifelse(Competence_dict_hi ==1, values0,""),
            Beliefs_dic_hi = ifelse(Beliefs_dict_hi ==1, values0,""),
            Sociability_dic_lo = ifelse(Sociability_dict_lo == 1, values0, ""),
            Morality_dic_lo = ifelse(Morality_dict_lo ==1, values0,""),
            Ability_dic_lo = ifelse(Ability_dict_lo ==1, values0,""),
            Assertiveness_dic_lo = ifelse(Agency_dict_lo ==1, values0,""),
            Status_dic_lo = ifelse(Status_dict_lo ==1, values0,""),
            Warmth_dic_lo = ifelse(Warmth_dict_lo ==1, values0,""),
            Competence_dic_lo = ifelse(Competence_dict_lo ==1, values0,""),
            Beliefs_dic_lo = ifelse(Beliefs_dict_lo ==1, values0,""),
            Health_dic = ifelse(health_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Family_dic = ifelse(relative_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Emotion_dic = ifelse(feeling_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Nationality_dic = ifelse(Geography_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Occupation_dic = ifelse(work_dict ==1, values0,""),
            Appearance_dic = ifelse(Appearance_dict ==1, values0,"")) %>%

Dicts_v2 = 
lapply(1:length(Pre_Dictionaries2), function(x) Pre_Dictionaries2[[x]][Pre_Dictionaries2[[x]] != ""])

names(Dicts_v2) = names(Pre_Dictionaries2)

Dicts_v2 = lapply(Dicts_v2, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])

#create quanteda dictionaries
Dicts_v2 = quanteda::dictionary(Dicts_v2)

# Load in text data

hcmst_c2_04v2 <- readRDS("~/Desktop/qp/R/hcmst_c2_04v2.RDS")

#Preprocess target text
# this loads in the "q24" column from the hcmst_c2_04v2 data frame and removed any numbers, symbols and punctuation
# creates a new dataframe called q24 
q24 <- quanteda::tokens(hcmst_c2_04v2$q24, remove_numbers = T, remove_punct = T, remove_symbols = T)

# stem words within q24 data
q24 <- tokens_wordstem(q24, language = quanteda_options("language_stemmer"))

# Take processed and stemmed text data and put it back into a string of text 
string_stemmed <- vector("character", length(q24))

for(i in seq_along(q24)) {
  string_stemmed[i] <- paste(q24[[i]], collapse = ' ')

#Match target text to dictionaries
# this will take the processed text and check which of the dictionaries are applicable
q24_dict_pre <- tokens_lookup(q24, dictionary = Dicts_v2, levels = 1)

#Transform to a document-feature dataframe
q24_dict_pre = convert(dfm(q24_dict_pre), to = "data.frame")

## need to make new column in the hcmstc2 dataframe 

# Generate the sequence of doc_id values
doc_id_sequence <- paste0("text", seq_len(nrow(hcmst_c2_04v2)))

# Add the new column to the dataframe
hcmst_c2_04v2$doc_id <- doc_id_sequence 

# Combine q24_dict_pre, ntoken(q24), ntype(q24), and string_stemmed into one dataframe
q24_dict <- cbind(q24_dict_pre,
                  ntoken(q24), # raw count
                  ntype(q24), # distinct count

# Merge the combined dataframe with hcmst_c2_04v2 based on the 'doc_id' column
final_dataframe <- merge(q24_dict, hcmst_c2_04v2, by = "doc_id")

I also tried using an alternate approach. To do that, I did not run the last chunk of code and instead ran this. Same issue.

# Load necessary libraries

# Convert to data.table for efficient operations
q24_dict_pre_dt <- as.data.table(q24_dict_pre)
hcmst_c2_04v2_dt <- as.data.table(hcmst_c2_04v2)

# Convert doc_id to character to ensure proper merging
hcmst_c2_04v2_dt[, doc_id := as.character(doc_id)]
q24_dict_pre_dt[, doc_id := as.character(doc_id)]

# Process in smaller chunks
chunk_size <- 500
num_chunks <- ceiling(nrow(q24_dict_pre_dt) / chunk_size)

# Directory to save chunks
chunk_dir <- tempdir()

Your "setup" code seems to run—though I have never seen (SADCAT} before— but without some sample data I do not see that we are likely to be able to help.

BTW You have

Full_Dictionaries = SADCAT::Dictionaries
Pre_Dictionaries = SADCAT::All.steps_Dictionaries

Full_Dictionaries = SADCAT::Dictionaries_FT
Pre_Dictionaries = SADCAT::All.steps_Dictionaries_FT

What is happening here?

A handy way to supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where mydata is your data. Copy the output and paste it here between


SADCAT is a github repository with the dictionaries that I am employing. You can see more here: GitHub - gandalfnicolas/SADCAT.

The code block that you highlight is taken from the sample code I found here. Seems to be loading two dictionaries, one that is smaller and one that is larger. I'm guessing I am overwriting the code -- which I will need to fix in the final stages of this analysis but I don't think that code is the problem at this point. You can see the sample code that I used to generate my code here: OSF.

I cannot provide sample data of the text I am working on due to IRB regulations. But I can provide more information about the formatting of the data if that would help.

I think I agree. It looks like a glitch in a working example. It may muck up your results but it should not throw an error.

I tried running that code example at OSF and it is bombing at

obituaries$Text = tolower(obituaries$Text)

and returning an error

Error in `tolower()`:
! invalid multibyte string 5
 1. base::tolower(obituaries$Text)

AS I said earlier, this is the first time I have encountered {SADCAT} so I have no feel for what it is doing and the documentation seems just a bit sparse.

I cannot provide sample data of the text I am working on due to IRB regulations. But I can provide more information about the formatting of the data if that would help.

Given my current level of knowledge, it may help me but it is likely to be very helpful to a more knowledgeable reader.

What is likely to be of even more use is some mock data. The actual text is not likely important; what we need is data laid out in the same format. Jabberwocky , as long as it is formatted in the same way as your data is probably fine.

HI All. I solved the problem. the issue was with the last chunk of code with the rbind command.