I am attempting the seemingly simple task of converting a .csv with lat, lon and population values into a .tif (raster).
Here's my R code:
geoName <- read.csv("/pathToData/geoName.csv")
geoName_raster <- raster(xmn=min(geoName$longitude), xmx=max(geoName$longitude), ymn=min(geoName$latitude), ymx=max(geoName$latitude), res=0.0027, crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
geoName_rasterize <- rasterize(geoName[, c('longitude', 'latitude')], geoName_raster, geoName[, 'population'], fun=sum)
writeRaster(geoName_rasterize, "/pathToData/geoName_rasterize.tif")
The .csv is formatted like this:
The output has bands of null values which appear to be influenced by the res
value: the bands are further apart as res
approaches 0
- The .tif with narrow bands below is with no
- The .tif with wide bands is with
res = 0.0027
(which is the approximate width in degrees of a Bing tile at z17 which is the resolution of the population data set)
I've read a few different R documentation pages outlining resolution
, but I don't really understand its function.
My questions: what is res
doing and how do I replace these bands with the data which belongs in those pixels?
Be gentle: I'm very new to R.