R query question

HI All,

Please help me with below R query:

Consider "trees" dataset available in R Package 'data', clean the dataset by removing the rows having largest and next largest heights AND removing the rows having smallest and next smallest heights. From the cleaned data consider the columns Girth, Height(in that order) as matrix A and insert a vector having 1s as the first column of this matrix A, i.e. all the values of the first column should have 1. Create matrix b with column 'Volume' from cleaned data.
Find y=(A transpose A)^-1 A transpose b

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Do you know solution for this?

Heres how to make matrices via a similar pattern but for iris, rather than trees.

# Consider "iris" dataset in base R. 
#clean the dataset by removing the rows having largest and next largest Petal Lengths 
# AND removing the rows having smallest and next smallest Petal Lengths  


#how many records to start with ?

iris_p1 <- slice(iris,

iris_p2<- slice(iris_p1,

#how many records of cleaned data ?

#From the cleaned data consider the columns Petal.Length, Sepal length (in that order) as matrix A 
#and insert a vector having 1s as the first column of this matrix A,
#i.e. all the values of the first column should have 1. 

(matrix_A <- cbind(1,select(iris_p2,
                            Petal.Length,Sepal.Length) %>% as.matrix()))

#Create matrix b with column 'Petal width' from cleaned data.
(matrix_B <- select(iris_p2,Petal.Width) %>% as.matrix())

I wonder about whether you made errors reporting the required matrix operations ? were you given text which you are duplicating exactly, or have you transcribed that from an image ?

Thanks so much for the solution. I was given text from where I wrote here.

Any idea how to calculate this?

Find y=(A transpose A)^-1 A transpose b

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