My plots show up in a separate window (quarzt? window) and not in my plots pane.
Tried several things which I found in different blogs but nothing helped:
closed / reopened R studio
reinstalled R studio
checked for newest versions of R and R studio
tried dev.off(), dev.new() command
tried print(plot()) command
tried going to Tools->Global Options->Rmarkdown -> In "Show output preview in" select "Viewer Pane" , then unchecked the box "Show output inline for all R Markdown documents"
All of that changed absolutely nothing, still all my plots are showing up in a separate window. Beginning to be quite desperate. Can anybody help please!
RStudio only supports macOS versions still being supported by Apple, so you're facing two unpalatable but simple choices— upgrade macOS or root around for an older version of RStudio. What should work, but isn't dead simple, is installing a virtual Ubuntu, R and Rstudio there.