R package dependencies

I have an R package that depends on a package called, lets say, spatialstuff (This is how it is defined in its DESCRIPTIONS). However it is found in an org and the repo name is different, eg org/spatial-Stuff (i have no control over this name!).

My package in its DESCRIPTION file has the following lines


However the pkgdown.yaml workflow that is run upon pushes (created from usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages()) errors with the following message.

Can someone explain if this is user error or some other error? Thanks

! error in pak subprocess
Caused by error:
! Could not solve package dependencies:
deps::.: Can't install dependency NEFSCspatial
* NEFSCspatial: Can't find package called NEFSCspatial.
* local::.: Can't install dependency NEFSCspatial
* any::sessioninfo: dependency conflict
* any::pkgdown: dependency conflict

When the name is different from the repo name, you need to include the name in the DESCRIPTION file, see the docs here: Install packages from CRAN, Bioconductor, GitHub, URLs, etc. — Package sources • pak

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