Hello everyone,
I'm not able to get the correct type of an R object which I need to use in a Python object while creating a learnr
tutorial in R. I attached an image where I tried to present to you a sample example and the error I got. For your information, when I executed the same chunks in an .Rmd
file by removing the parts related to learnr
like exercicse=TRUE
, the chunks executed very well, and the type of r.a
was int, not function
. I can't understand why the R object class is coerced to function in py object using {reticulate}.
This is the information about the packages I'm using and the versions of R and RStudio:
- reticulate 1.28
- learnr 0.11.2
- R-4.2.1
- RStudio 2022.12.0
Any help would be appreciated!