Hi, first time here. Is there a way to compile a local Rmd file into a remote machine? I work on a remote workstation but the R and Rmd scripts are in my laptop. I usually work connected via ssh, but I'm not able to rmarkdown::rendrer()
Hi, first time here. Is there a way to compile a local Rmd file into a remote machine? I work on a remote workstation but the R and Rmd scripts are in my laptop. I usually work connected via ssh, but I'm not able to rmarkdown::rendrer()
works with local file. This is not just its limitations, but also Pandoc which I don't think works over remote file. And pandoc does the conversion (also other tools like LaTeX if you target PDF for example).
So you would need to transfer over where R & R Markdown + its tooling is installed. Possibly ssh R package can help doing some wrappers.
Ok, thanks for the reply. I thought it could be possible because org-mode do this. I will take a look at the R package you suggested.
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