I hope this does the trick. I'm sorry I am a bit slow. I am just a week old with R.
dput(bikeshare_data <- tibble::tribble(
~ride_id, ~rideable_type, ~started_at, ~start_at_date, ~start_at_time, ~ended_at, ~end_at_date, ~end_at_time, ~start_station_name, ~start_station_id, ~end_station_name, ~end_station_id, ~start_lat, ~start_lng, ~end_lat, ~end_lng, ~member_casual, ~ride_length, ~day_of_week,
"C2F7DD78E82EC875", "electric_bike", "2022-01-13 11:59:47", "2022-01-13", "11:59:47", "2022-01-13 12:02:44", "2022-01-13", "12:02:44", "Glenwood Ave & Touhy Ave", "525", "Clark St & Touhy Ave", "RP-007", 42.0128005, -87.665906, 42.01256012, -87.67436712, "casual", "0:02:57", 5L,
"A6CF8980A652D272", "electric_bike", "2022-01-10 8:41:56", "2022-01-10", "8:41:56", "2022-01-10 8:46:17", "2022-01-10", "8:46:17", "Glenwood Ave & Touhy Ave", "525", "Clark St & Touhy Ave", "RP-007", 42.012763, -87.6659675, 42.01256012, -87.67436712, "casual", "0:04:21", 2L,
"BD0F91DFF741C66D", "classic_bike", "2022-01-25 4:53:40", "2022-01-25", "4:53:40", "2022-01-25 4:58:01", "2022-01-25", "4:58:01", "Sheffield Ave & Fullerton Ave", "TA1306000016", "Greenview Ave & Fullerton Ave", "TA1307000001", 41.92560188, -87.65370804, 41.92533, -87.6658, "member", "0:04:21", 3L,
"CBB80ED419105406", "classic_bike", "2022-01-04 0:18:04", "2022-01-04", "0:18:04", "2022-01-04 0:33:00", "2022-01-04", "0:33:00", "Clark St & Bryn Mawr Ave", "KA1504000151", "Paulina St & Montrose Ave", "TA1309000021", 41.983593, -87.669154, 41.961507, -87.671387, "casual", "0:14:56", 3L,
"DDC963BFDDA51EEA", "classic_bike", "2022-01-20 1:31:10", "2022-01-20", "1:31:10", "2022-01-20 1:37:12", "2022-01-20", "1:37:12", "Michigan Ave & Jackson Blvd", "TA1309000002", "State St & Randolph St", "TA1305000029", 41.87785, -87.62408, 41.88462107, -87.62783423, "member", "0:06:02", 5L,
"A39C6F6CC0586C0B", "classic_bike", "2022-01-11 18:48:09", "2022-01-11", "18:48:09", "2022-01-11 18:51:31", "2022-01-11", "18:51:31", "Wood St & Chicago Ave", "637", "Honore St & Division St", "TA1305000034", 41.895634, -87.672069, 41.903119, -87.673935, "member", "0:03:22", 3L,
"BDC4AB637EDF981B", "classic_bike", "2022-01-30 18:32:52", "2022-01-30", "18:32:52", "2022-01-30 18:49:26", "2022-01-30", "18:49:26", "Oakley Ave & Irving Park Rd", "KA1504000158", "Broadway & Sheridan Rd", "13323", 41.95434085, -87.68607962, 41.952833, -87.649993, "member", "0:16:34", 1L,
"81751A3186E59A6B", "classic_bike", "2022-01-22 12:20:02", "2022-01-22", "12:20:02", "2022-01-22 12:32:06", "2022-01-22", "12:32:06", "Sheffield Ave & Fullerton Ave", "TA1306000016", "Damen Ave & Clybourn Ave", "13271", 41.92560188, -87.65370804, 41.931931, -87.677856, "member", "0:12:04", 7L,
"154222B86A338ABD", "electric_bike", "2022-01-17 7:34:41", "2022-01-17", "7:34:41", "2022-01-17 8:00:08", "2022-01-17", "8:00:08", "Racine Ave & 15th St", "13304", "Clinton St & Washington Blvd", "WL-012", 41.86125133, -87.65650017, 41.88338, -87.64117, "member", "0:25:27", 2L)