October 22, 2018, 8:43am
My data has the following input variables
value- 20,30,50
var1 - 6.5,4,3.2
var2 - 0.6,1.1,0.9
(number of data points are dynamic with each iteration, it could range from 3 to 6)
structure below:
|var 1|6.5|4|3.2|
|var 2|0.6|1.1|0.9|
I basically need to create a function that takes these variables as dynamic inputs and perform certain arithmetic operations and give a final result as 1 single value.
The catch here is the arithmetic operations can take only 2 values at one time.
For the case above, below is the sample operation:
grp1_value = (20*6.5)+log(0.6) + (30*4)+log(1.1)
grp1_var1 = exp(20*6.5)+exp(30*4)
grp1_var2 = exp(20*0.6)+exp(30*1.1)
grp2= ( 50*3.2)+log(0.9) + (grp1_value * grp1_var1)+log(grp1_var2)
grp2 value should be my output
If my data has more than 3 entries, i should keep doing the operations taking 2 arguments each time.
Any suggestions on the most effective way to write a R function for this case?
October 22, 2018, 9:31am
The logical equation for grp2 doesn't match with grp1_value. Do you want to append value & var_1 or multiply them?
October 22, 2018, 12:16pm
v1 = c(20, 30, 50)
v2 = c(6.5, 4, 3.2)
v3 = c(0.6, 1.1, 0.9)
ref_v1 <- NULL
ref_v2 <- NULL
ref_v3 <- NULL
n <- length(v1)
cond <- 1
while((cond + 1) <= n){
if(cond == 1){
out_v1 <- ((v1[1] * v2[1]) + log(v3 [1])) + ((v1[2] * v2[2]) + log(v3[2]))
out_v2 <- exp(v1[1] * v2[1]) + exp(v1[2] * v2[2])
out_v3 <- exp(v1[1] * v3[1]) + exp(v1[2] * v3[2])
ref_v1 <- out_v1
ref_v2 <- out_v2
ref_v3 <- out_v3
cond <- cond + 1
out_v1 <- ((v1[cond +1] * v2[cond +1]) + log(v3 [cond +1])) + ((ref_v1 * ref_v2) + log(ref_v3))
out_v2 <- exp(v1[cond +1] * v2[cond +1]) + exp(ref_v1 * ref_v2)
out_v3 <- exp(v1[cond +1] * v3[cond +1]) + exp(ref_v1 * ref_v3)
cond <- cond + 1
Something like this might work.. There can be more efficient and mature solutions.
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