R function links to rdrr.io on books created using bookdown

When you read books generated using bookdown and click on R functions that are linked, you are taken to an external webpage. For example, the functions on Mastering Shiny and Advanced R redirect to rdrr.io.

I was wondering which bookdown function does this redirect, and wondering if there is any appetite for choosing another website without any ads? I would certainly be interested in building such a thing.

I believe the source of the functionality you are asking about is here : https://downlit.r-lib.org/


The books you linked are made using bookdown::bs4_book() format, which indeed have integrated the feature of using downlit to do the linking.

This is mentioned in the doc 3.1 HTML | bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

  • R syntax highlighting and autolinking by the downlit package is paired with an accessible color scheme designed by Alison Hill.

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