I am having trouble with the community detection algorithm in igraph library.
A graph object of not a huge size (under 100,00 nodes and same magnitude of edges) is created, using the dataframe. Then I work with the strongly connected component of the network (GCC).
When I run the cluster_infomap()
R freezes, whether it's RStudio or the Posit Cloud and I cannot run anything, cannot stop it, and it doesn't return the values. After running other commands I get the error:
Error: Status code 405 returned by RStudio Server when executing 'console_input'
which I think is unrelated to the issue.
The memory usage shows there's plenty of RAM available, so it doesn't seem to be a memory issue.
Also, I had used the same code and same datasets previously without any problems, and I'm facing this issue as I want to reproduce the results and analyse further.
What I do is the following:
files <- list.files()
mergread <- function(file){
+ data <- read_xlsx(file, sheet = 2)
+ }
DataList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 10)
DataList[[1]] <- do.call (rbind, lapply(files, mergread) )
GraphList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 10)
for (j in 1) {
+ nrows <- nrow(DataList[[j]])
+ BvDs <- c()
+ for (i in 1:nrows) {
+ if (is.na(DataList[[j]]$...1[i])){
+ BvDs[i] <- BvDfiller
+ }
+ else
+ { BvDs[i] <- as.character(DataList[[j]][i,3])
+ BvDfiller <- as.character(DataList[[j]][i, 3])
+ }
+ }
+ Edges <- as.data.frame(matrix (NA,
+ ncol = 2,
+ nrow = 0))
+ for (i in 1:nrows){
+ if (!is.na(DataList[[j]][i,7]))
+ {Edges <- rbind(Edges, c(as.character(DataList[[j]][i, 7]), BvDs[i])) }
+ }
+ GraphList[[j]] <- graph_from_edgelist (as.matrix(Edges, ncol = 2))
+ }
GraphList[[1]] <- GraphList[[1]] - "No data fulfill your filter criteria"
GCCList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 10)
for (j in 1){
+ Comps <- components(GraphList[[j]], mode = "weak")
+ GCC <- which.max(Comps$csize)
+ GCCList[[j]] <- induced_subgraph(GraphList[[j]], which(Comps$membership == GCC))
+ }
> Com2006 <- cluster_infomap(GCCList[[1]])
PS1: previously I thought it's related to a command after the community detection, edited and updated accordingly.
PS2: the for (j) and the lists of 10 are there to do the same thing for 10 years, but here only it's being done for one year, in the interest of time.