R does not display output

Am trying to run this code but R does nor display any output , the code is correct but no output ?

BerryLevinsohnPakes <- function(dat, mkt.id.fld = "mkt.id", prod.id.fld = "prod.id", prc.fld = "px", share.fld = "share", x.var.flds = c("x1", "x2", "x3"), prc.iv.flds = "z", n.sim = 1500, sigma.guess){
# all data should appear in the data.frame "dat"
# input variables ending in ".fld" are the names of the columns
# n.sim = number of simulated "indviduals" per market
# sigma guess may be missing
# Required packages (installed as the function runs):
# Based on code written by Aviv Nevo, May 1998.
# Adapted by Michael Carniol, January 2015

blp_inner <- function(delta.in, mu.in) {
	# Computes a single update of the BLP (1995) contraction mapping.
    # of market level predicted shares.
	# This single-update function is required by SQUAREM, see Varadhan and
	# Roland (SJS, 2008), and Roland and Varadhan (ANM, 2005)
	# 	delta.in : current value of delta vector
	# 	mu.in: current mu matrix
	# Requires global variables: s.jt
	# 	delta.out : delta vector that equates observed with predicted market shares
    pred.s <- rowMeans(ind_sh(delta.in, mu.in));
    delta.out <- delta.in + log(s.jt) - log(pred.s)
ind_sh <- function(delta.in, mu.in){
	# This function computes the "individual" probabilities of choosing each brand
	# Requires global variables: mkt.id, X, v
	numer <- exp(mu.in) * matrix(rep(exp(delta.in), n.sim), ncol = n.sim);
	denom <- as.matrix(do.call("rbind", lapply(mkt.id, function(tt){
		1 + colSums(numer[mkt.id %in% tt, ])
	return(numer / denom);	
gmm_obj <- function(theta2){
	# This function computes the GMM objective function
	# Requires global variable inputs: X, v, delta, a, W
	# Outputs: theta1, xi.hat
	print(paste0("GMM Loop number: ", Sys.time()))
	print(a <<- a + 1)
	print("Updated theta2 estimate:")
	print("Change in theta2 estimate:")
	print(theta.chg <- as.numeric(theta2 - theta2.prev));
	if(sum(theta.chg != 0) <= 2){
		delta <- dat[, "delta"];
	} else {
		delta <- Y;
	theta2.prev <<- theta2;

    mu <- X %*% diag(theta2) %*% v;

	print("Running SQUAREM contraction mapping")
		squarem.output <- squarem(par = delta, fixptfn = blp_inner, mu.in = mu, control = list(trace = TRUE))
	delta <- squarem.output$par
	print(summary(dat[, "delta"] - delta));
	dat[, "delta"] <<- delta;
	mo.ivreg <- ivreg(fm.ivreg, data = dat, x = TRUE)
	theta1 <<- coef(mo.ivreg);
	xi.hat <<- as.vector(mo.ivreg$resid);
	Z.hat <- Z * matrix(rep(xi.hat, ncol(Z)), ncol = ncol(Z))
	W.inv <- try(solve(t(Z.hat) %*% Z.hat), silent = FALSE)
	if("matrix" == class(W.inv)){
		PZ <<- Z %*% W.inv %*% t(Z);
		PX.inv <- solve(t(X) %*% PZ %*% X)
		theta1 <<- PX.inv %*% t(X) %*% PZ %*% delta
		xi.hat <<- delta - X %*% theta1
		X.hat <- (PZ %*% X) * matrix(rep(xi.hat, K), ncol = K)
		tsls.se <- sqrt(diag(PX.inv %*% t(X.hat) %*% X.hat %*% PX.inv))
		print("GMM step 2 updated theta1 estimate:")
		print(beta.est <<- data.frame(beta.est = theta1, beta.se = tsls.se, sigma.est = theta2))
	dat[, "xi.hat"] <<- xi.hat
	f <- t(xi.hat) %*% PZ %*% xi.hat;
	print("Updated GMM objective:")
	print(f <- as.numeric(f));
jacobian <- function(delta.in, theta.in){
	print(paste0("Calculating Jacobian matrix, ", Sys.time()))
	#Requires global variables X, v, mkt.id
	mu1 <- X %*% diag(theta.in) %*% v;
	ind.shares <- ind_sh(delta.in, mu1);
	K <- ncol(X);
	print(paste0("Calculating dsigma matrix, ", Sys.time()))
	dsigma <- lapply(l.Xv, function(x){
		temp2 <- x * ind.shares;
		temp3 <- as.matrix(do.call("rbind", lapply(mkt.id, function(m){
			colSums(temp2[mkt.id %in% m, ])
		dsigma.res <- rowMeans(temp2 - ind.shares * temp3);
	dsigma <- as.matrix(do.call("cbind", dsigma))
	print(paste0("Calculating ddelta matrices, ", Sys.time()))
	ddelta <- list()
	for(m in mkt.id){
		if(m %in% names(ddelta)){next}
		temp1 <- as.matrix(ind.shares[mkt.id %in% m, ]);
		H1 <- temp1 %*% t(temp1);
		H2 <- diag(rowSums(temp1));
		H <- (H2 - H1) / n.sim;
		H.inv <- solve(H);
		ddelta[[as.character(m)]] <- H.inv %*% dsigma[mkt.id %in% m, ];
		rm(temp1, H1, H2, H, H.inv)
	ddelta <- as.matrix(do.call("rbind", ddelta));
gradient_obj <- function(theta2){
	#Requires global variables PZ, delta, xi.hat
	print(system.time(jacobian_res <<- jacobian(as.vector(dat[, "delta"]), theta2)))
	print(paste0("Updated gradient:", Sys.time()))
	print(f <- -2 * as.numeric(t(jacobian_res) %*% PZ %*% xi.hat));
	L <- ncol(Z)
	covg <- matrix(0, nrow = L, ncol = L)
	for(i in 1:JT){
		covg <- covg + (Z[i, ] %*% t(Z[i, ])) * xi.hat[i]^2
	d.delta <- jacobian_res;
	Dg <- t(d.delta) %*% Z
	p.Dg <- try(solve(Dg %*% W.inv %*% t(Dg)))
	cov.mat <- p.Dg %*% (Dg %*% W.inv %*% covg %*% W.inv %*% t(Dg)) %*% p.Dg
	beta.est$sigma.se <<- sqrt(diag(cov.mat));
	print(paste0("Updated coefficients table:", Sys.time()))
	write.csv(beta.est, file = paste0("BLP_beta_est_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"))
#Set up data
dat <- dat[dat[, share.fld] > 0, ]
dat <- dat[order(dat[, mkt.id.fld], dat[, prod.id.fld]), ]
JT <- nrow(dat)
#market identifier variable
mkt.id <- dat[, mkt.id.fld];
#Number of characteristics (including constant and price)
X <- as.matrix(cbind(ones = rep(1, JT), dat[, c(x.var.flds, prc.fld)]));
K <- ncol(X)
#Compute the outside good market share by market
s.jt <- as.vector(dat[, share.fld]);
temp <- aggregate(s.jt, by = list(mkt.id = mkt.id), sum);
sum1 <- temp$x[match(mkt.id, temp$mkt.id)];
s.j0 <- as.vector(1 - sum1);
rm(temp, sum1);
dat[, "delta"] <- Y <- log(s.jt) - log(s.j0);
iv <- dat[, prc.iv.flds]

#Construct 2SLS regression specification
str.ivreg.y <- "delta ~ "
str.ivreg.x <- paste(x.var.flds, collapse = " + ")
str.ivreg.prc <- paste(prc.fld, collapse = " + ")
str.ivreg.iv <- paste(prc.iv.flds, collapse = " + ")
print("2SLS specification:")
print(fm.ivreg <- paste0(str.ivreg.y, str.ivreg.x, " + ", str.ivreg.prc, " | ", str.ivreg.x, " + ", str.ivreg.iv))
rm(str.ivreg.y, str.ivreg.x, str.ivreg.prc, str.ivreg.iv)

print("2SLS beta estimate:")
print(summary(mo.ivreg <- ivreg(fm.ivreg, data = dat, x = TRUE)))
beta.est <- summary(mo.ivreg)$coef[, 1:2]
#Z = instrumental variable matrix include exogenous X's
Z <- as.matrix(mo.ivreg$x$instruments)
PZ <- Z %*% solve(t(Z) %*% Z) %*% t(Z);
theta1 <- coef(mo.ivreg);
xi.hat <- as.vector(mo.ivreg$resid);
Z.hat <- Z * matrix(rep(xi.hat, ncol(Z)), ncol = ncol(Z))
W.inv <- try(solve(t(Z.hat) %*% Z.hat), silent = FALSE)
if("matrix" == class(W.inv)){
	PZ <- Z %*% W.inv %*% t(Z);
	PX.inv <- solve(t(X) %*% PZ %*% X)
	theta1 <- PX.inv %*% t(X) %*% PZ %*% Y
	xi.hat <- Y - X %*% theta1
	X.hat <- (PZ %*% X) * matrix(rep(xi.hat, K), ncol = K)
	tsls.se <- sqrt(diag(PX.inv %*% t(X.hat) %*% X.hat %*% PX.inv))
	print("GMM step 2 updated theta1 estimate:")
	print(beta.est <- data.frame(beta.est = theta1, se.est = tsls.se))
dat[, "xi.hat"] <- xi.hat

#Starting point
print("Sigma guess:")
	tsls.se <- beta.est[, 2]
	print(theta2 <- 0.5 * tsls.se);
} else {
	print(theta2 <- sigma.guess);
theta2.prev <- theta2;

# Matrix of individuals' characteristics
#	Standard normal distribution draws, one for each characteristic
v <- matrix(rnorm(K * n.sim), nrow = K, ncol = n.sim)
# Break X and v matrices into list variables 
# in attempt to expedite calculation of the Jacobian matrix
l.X <- lapply(1:K, function(k){
	return(X[, k])
l.v <- lapply(1:K, function(k){
	return(v[k, ])
l.Xv <- lapply(1:K, function(k){
	l.X[[k]] %*% t(l.v[[k]]);

print("Estimating random coefficients multinomial logit")
a <- 0;
beta.est <- NULL;
	theta.est <- multiStart(par = theta2, fn = gmm_obj, gr = gradient_obj, lower = 0, control = list(trace = TRUE), action = "optimize")
save(theta.est, file = paste0("theta_est_", Sys.time(), ".RData"))

print("Final coefficients estimate:")
theta2 <- theta.est$par
gmm.res <- gmm_obj(theta2)
grad.res <- gradient_obj(theta2)	
return(list(coef.mat = beta.est, gmm.obj.func = gmm.res, gmm_est = theta.est, final.data = dat))


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