R Developer Contributions
Authors: Michael McCarthy
mastodon, GitHub, blog
Full Description:
This interactive {gt} table explores R developers’ contributions to CRAN packages, based on their authorships and roles. For each developer, the table displays the number of packages a person has contributed to, role counts, and nominal and percentile rankings compared to all other developers.
Interactivity is a key feature of this table due to the amount of data it displays, and because it allows readers (i.e., other R developers) to easily find themselves in the data, or ask silly questions like how many other authors share a name with them. In other words, interactivity is useful and fun.
Full details about the motivation behind this table, the data wrangling required to make it possible, and the code used to make it are detailed in this blog post.
Note that the submission link for the table also links to this blog post, but jumps to the relevant section where the table is shown.
Table Type: interactive-HTML
Submission Type: Other
Table: Tidy Tales - The Pareto Principle in R package development
Code: tidytales/posts/2023-05-03_r-developers at main · mccarthy-m-g/tidytales · GitHub
Industries: Software engineering.
Packages: gt