R code chunk freezes with Quarto in RStudio IDE.
For example, when I click "Run Current Chunk" in first chunk with code 1+1
RStudio freezes like below and nothing comes out even after waiting for 1 minute.
For other hand, when I click "Render", Word file is rendered and code chunks are run properly.
And more, R Console act appropriately when I input
[1] 2
Even after restarting Windows, the problem is not solved.
Before updating RStudio today (17th Dec.), there was no problem.
How can I fix it? Please kindly tell me how.
Windows: Windows 10 Enterprise, version 22H2, OS build 19045.4651
R: version 4.4.2
RStudio: RStudio 2024.12.0+467
Quarto: 1.6.39,
pandoc 3.6
I cannot think of anything obvious. I, literally, updated to RStudio 2024.12.0+467
about 15 minutes before I read your post.
I tried doing what you did with R: version 4.4.2
but `Ubuntu 24.04 and it worked.
Have you tried the obvious and completely shut down the computer?
It's a long shot but you might try Resetting RStudio Desktop's State
Thanks for advise. 
But, unfortunately R code chunk still freezes after comletely computer shut down and reset RStudio as written in the linked article.
I found two metigation countermeasures below;
Countermeasure-:1 Output in console
Add below in Quarto file.
chunk_output_type: console
This time, R code chunk run immediately and output comes in console at the bottom and plot pane like below.
So far, I can use this way, but I prefer output printed in-line rather than printed in console at the bottom and plot pane. If anyone have some idea, please tell me.
In addition, Rmarkdown R code chunk freezes as same as Quarto. When I add the code below I can see output in console.
chunk_output_type: console
Countermeasure-:2 Downgrade RStudio IDE
I installed previous RStudio IDE 2024.09.1+394 from 2024.09.1+394.pro7. Then R code chunk run appropriately.
So far, I do not need new features which are added in 2024.12.0-467, so I can do my job with 2024.09.1+394. But, I want the problem to be fixed with newest version someday. I found an issue in GitHub with same kind of problem. It seems like a software bug.
Rstudio not able to run a Quarto chunk since 2024.12
Looks like you have found the bug. I guess there is nothing to do but wait for a fix.
Good luck.
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Just adding my voice. I'm having the same problem in both Quarto and RMarkdown on Windows. Four hours with Claude AI and I still haven't identified the problem. This has to be a bug.