R Base Package Testing Base Fail R 4.2.2

R 4.2.2 Installed through RPM file on image of RHEL Podman Container
Hey gang, I have been trying to run base testing using tools::testInstalledPackages(scope="base) but the failures keep happening in the base package. I know I can run with errorsAreFatal = FALSE, to prevent the error from stopping the run but I would like to try to resolve it. I made the tests in an R 4.2.2 source and moved the tests to their respective package directories. Is there something I am missing? Why won't encodings pass?
I ran:

Sys.setenv(LC_COLLATE = "C", LC_TIME = "C", LANGUAGE = "en")

The error appears in "encodings.R" :

Running specific tests for package ‘base’
  Running ‘CRANtools.R’
  Running ‘PCRE.R’
  Running ‘any-all.R’
  comparing ‘any-all.Rout’ to ‘any-all.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘arith-true.R’
  comparing ‘arith-true.Rout’ to ‘arith-true.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘arith.R’
  comparing ‘arith.Rout’ to ‘arith.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘array-subset.R’
  Running ‘base-Ex.R’
  Running ‘complex.R’
  comparing ‘complex.Rout’ to ‘complex.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘conditions.R’
  Running ‘d-p-q-r-tests.R’
  comparing ‘d-p-q-r-tests.Rout’ to ‘d-p-q-r-tests.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘d-p-q-r-tst-2.R’
  Running ‘datasets.R’
  comparing ‘datasets.Rout’ to ‘datasets.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘datetime.R’
  comparing ‘datetime.Rout’ to ‘datetime.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘datetime2.R’
  comparing ‘datetime2.Rout’ to ‘datetime2.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘demos.R’
  comparing ‘demos.Rout’ to ‘demos.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘demos2.R’
  Running ‘encodings.R’
Warning: testing 'base' failed

Here is the .Rout.save.fail:

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) -- "Innocent and Trusting"
Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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> ## from iconv.Rd
> (x <- "fa\xE7ile")
[1] "fa\xe7ile"
> charToRaw(xx <- iconv(x, "latin1", "UTF-8"))
[1] 66 61 c3 a7 69 6c 65
> iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII")          #   NA
[1] NA
> iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII", "?")     # "fa?ile"
[1] "fa?ile"
> iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII", "")      # "faile"
[1] "faile"
> iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII", "byte")  # "fa<e7>ile"
[1] "fa<e7>ile"
> # Extracts from R help files
> (x <- c("Ekstr\xf8m", "J\xf6reskog", "bi\xdfchen Z\xfcrcher"))
[1] "Ekstr\xf8m"            "J\xf6reskog"           "bi\xdfchen Z\xfcrcher"
> iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstrom"          "Joreskog"         "bisschen Zurcher"
> iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII", sub="byte")
[1] "Ekstr<f8>m"            "J<f6>reskog"           "bi<df>chen Z<fc>rcher"
> ## tests of re-encoding in .C
> require("tools")
Loading required package: tools
> x <- "fa\xE7ile"
> .C("Renctest", x, PACKAGE="tools")[[1]]
Error in .C("Renctest", x, PACKAGE = "tools") :
  "Renctest" not available for .C() for package "tools"
Execution halted

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