R assignment; professor is not sure what is going wrong. I think my computer or RStudio might be Buggy

I watched 5 tutorials, read 8 websites, and spoke to my instructor. I think there might be a technical issue and not so much my code, but please advise.

Note: I do have R version 4.1.3

Where do you think the object Heating_oil_used comes from?

if you enter ls() in the console, what shows up?

First, thanks for taking the time to read and reply.

This is interesting: When I type 1s() even after typing
data <- read.csv("HeatingOil.csv")

and getting the necessary data I see a scattered view:

Which is from past data I analyzed.


Is data$Heating_oil_used what you need?

Not sure:

I figured it out! My syntax was perfect; it was just a runtime error, so the assignment received an A and on a different computer it would have run fine; thanks.

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