R 4.3.1 not supported?

I am publishing a shiny app (which is simple and works very well locally) using Rstudio but I am unable to publish to any of the available servers (at least shinapps.io and Posit cloud). Each time, I get the following output when deploying:

Preparing to deploy application...DONE
Uploading bundle for application: 9346402...DONE
Deploying bundle: 7376674 for application: 9346402 ...
Waiting for task: 1312003726
building: Parsing manifest
building: Building image: 8748495
building: Building package: DiceDesign
################################ Begin Task Log ################################
################################# End Task Log #################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 1312003728 failed: Error building image: Error building DiceDesign (1.9). R version 4.3.1 currently unavailable
Execution halted

Is R 4.3.1 not currently supported? I unfortunately need it for this project. If it is not, when will support be available?

Thanks for your help!


I'm having the exact same problem today, would love help with this!


Of note: DiceDesign installs without issue on our Linux-based HPC with R 4.3.0, so it's not an issue with a Linux version not being available for 4.3

I am having the same issue. Would like to know when R 4.3.1 will be supported by Shiny

I received info from tech support, who verified version 4.3.1 is not yet supported and there is no ETA they can provide. I tried running R versions 4.2.1, 4.2.3 (the version leaflet was developed for), and 4.3.1. In each case, no matter which version of leaflet I installed (2.1.2, 2.1.1), the app runs locally and deploys to shinyapps with success message in the log, but fails to open. I get an error message in the browser. The error message in the log is that "there is no leaflet".

Can anyone tell me why I can't get any combination of leaflet to work with any combination of R to deploy on shiny, while it seems any combination works locally?

I'm hoping this will get resolved when version 4.3.1 is supported in shinyapps, but would like to find a workaround in the nearterm. Thanks for any input!

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Update: as of today it seems to build in R 4.3.1 without issue! This isn't really a "solution" but treat this as closed.