Hello Community,
I am trying to figure out what is for me a mystery. (the R markdown of the reproducible error is here RPubs - show_mystery)
In the package tidyHeatmap branch redefine-show
install with devtools::install_github("stemangiola/tidyHeatmap@redefine-show")
I have the show method as such
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Heatmap
setMethod("show", "InputHeatmap", function(object){
object@input = [...]
print("This show function is called")
do.call("Heatmap", object@input)
} )
If I enter in the R console (which triggers show function automatically, unless there is something I don't understand)
> my_InputHeatmap
I get
> [1] "This show function is called"
and I don't get the object from do.call("Heatmap", object@input).
While if I call show directly
> show(my_InputHeatmap)
I get
> [1] "This show function is called"
I would like the two calls to behave consistently
Thanks a lot.
Best wishes.