I am using dlookr package for data quality checks. Using the diagnose_web_report
the report came up. But in the warnings section, ther are recommendation that points out as Judgements. I am not able to make sense of what that means. I have attached the screenshot below. Please explain the meaning of this.
I think that the report is a summary of the various "diagnostic" reports and the term "Judgement" means that some of the variables are not "perfect" so you need to decide if you need to do anything.
For example, dep_delay has 82 (2.7%) missing values
has a "judgement" tag. It seems to be suggesting that if you might want to decide if that number of missing is acceptable to you and if not you need to decide what you want to do about it.
For example, you might ,
Say with this data, I am not worried about a small amount of missing data
You might decide to pull out all the missing data and see if looks randomly distributed or if it is all from one airport which may signal a problem
year has a constant value "2013"
has a 'remove' simply means that year
is of no value in an analysis. You can drop it.
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