quarto website rstudio github publishing error

Hi ,
below error message in github during publishing R studio quarto website project. pls help me to resolve it.


File not found

The site configured at this address does not contain the requested file.

If this is your site, make sure that the filename case matches the URL as well as any file permissions.
For root URLs (like http://example.com/) you must provide an index.html file.

Read the full documentation for more information about using GitHub Pages.

GitHub Status@githubstatus


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We would need more information to help you solve this.



Thanks for the reply.

Pls suggest me what kind of informations you need to fix this.

almost past 2 months i am suffering not able to fix it.

Pls help me.. my learnings are hold


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A link to your code on GitHub, as well as an explanation of what you are aiming to accomplish is a good start. While I can guess you are trying to deploy Quarto on GitHub pages, where the error might lie depends on your code and what steps you have already taken.



Hi Randyzwitch,

Thanks for supporting me.... !!!

I am here with attached my git hub repo files link.

the error i got was when i have tried to open the website link , which is in github
Action - deployment --- refer screen below link


i also got below error in R studio for different repo,

git hub error.docx.pdf


Hi ,

pls find here with the attachement of error

screen shot 1
during open the git hub action - deployment - weblink

the git

screeh shot 2
Rstudio when i did commit got this error message

git hub error.docx.pdf (202.6 KB)

Thanks for suporting me

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Hi Randy,

Thanks, for replying me/

one day i had curiously changed publish location in to posit , at present the data published on the below link.

since i am new to R studio and Github... several times read the documentations but not able to implement it.
looking for any mentors guide me step by step. if your time permises pls guide me




This is a local Git error. You got git configure to sign your commit, but it seems your environment is not configured with the signing information. Not related to Quarto or RStudio it seems.

You should check your configuration on github, or maybe try to use a repo name that will make the url easier like


in case Github don't like the two github.io


Hi cderv,

Thanks for responding me... i will fix it as per u r guidance. if any issue in future i will contact you.

K.R. Manikandan

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Hi cderv

Sorry to delay response. I have followed below steps, still getting error look in to the screen shots as below


#1 Create R project-

new project - working directory-project type - new project- directory name-project subdirectory-create new folder

#2 create new file - R script -give file name
#3 tools - Version control-project set up - Git/SVN -
#4 create github repository w/ same file name
#5 load data and packages in script
#6 environment pane git option shown create branch name - main
#@ add remote url of github repository and repository name
#7 save file - folder visible in git pane - click commit - push
#8 we can view the file in github repository
#9 edit github repository file - commit changes at github- pull option from R studio commit

Sorry for the delay.

The issue you show in your screenshot is a git issue.

I see two problems

  • I don't know your local setup, but it seems local branch and configured remote repo does not seem correct as it says 'src refspec main does not match any'

  • It seems you are configured to sign commit, but you don't have the right tool as it says gpg2 not found.

So it seems to be all a git configuration problem.

Hope it helps

Thanks for the reply.
Since I am new to posit. How to solve this problem pls guide me


Nothing related to posit here.

You should look online for this specific problems. It is very hard to help you here on this forum help solve some configuration problem for your git environment.

I would advice finding some tutorials and try setting things correctly. Maybe this could help https://happygitwithr.com/

So check your git configuration outside of RStudio IDE to confirm it works, and then try again in the IDE.

Thanks... for your replies and support..... !!! I will go thru the link u have provided.

Thanks again,

Ah, the company name? You are listed as "cderv Posit Employee" :grinning:
I suspect @manikandan_ramaraj is not even aware that there is an IDE named posit.

Hi ,
Thanks for u r reply.
I am using R studio. The procedures i have followed mentioned above chain mail


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