Quarto using Rmarkdown only renders on the first use in a document

I have 2022-07.1 Build 554 on MacOS Monterey. When I attempt to render a Quarto document, it renders fine. If Imake a change, it does not render. I have to restart RStudio and then it will render again. Do others see this? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. Best Regards, John Minter.

Are you sure it does not render the document? or maybe the preview is not updated, I have noticed that a background job is left running after rendering a quarto document from the RStudio IDE and sometimes prevents the preview from being updated until you manually stop the background job.

I'm finding a lot of what appears to be rough edges with the quarto integration but I'm not sure those are by design and I'm just being a victim of my RMarkdown preconceptions.

Thank you for responding. I am in the same boat. How have you found to manually stop the background job? I understand that Quarto is still a bit of a work in progress and want to learn all the tricks to make it work seamlessly. Thank you for your time and attention.

Best regards,
John Minter

Go to the "Background Jobs" panel and press the "Stop" icon

BTW, this happens even with the "Render on Save" option disabled, which is supposed to let the background job running, exactly for that purpose.

That did the trick! Thank you!!!!

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