When running R CMD Check on a package in RStudio, the package passes the check, i.e., no errors, no notes, no warnings, by I get the following ERROR message that seems to have something to do with the quarto that is automatically installed when installing RStudio.
ERROR: Unknown command "TMPDIR=C:/Users/marti/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp2zNA40/file4c107c202fcc". Did you mean command "install"?
Warning message:
In system2("quarto", "-V", stdout = TRUE, env = paste0("TMPDIR=", :
running command '"quarto" TMPDIR=C:/Users/marti/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp2zNA40/file4c107c202fcc -V' had status 1
I have no clue what is going on. Does anybody know how I can avoid that ERROR????
Doug Martin