Quarto report - how do I set up a full page cover image to show up on the cover page?

I'm writing a report using Quarto. The layout is Portrait mode, as a Quarto Document. What is the way to have a full page image as the cover? I've got the full page image made in Affinity Photo, rendered as a JPG, but when I insert it into the first page, huge blank spaces show up on all four margins.

How do I make the cover image fill the cover page without any whitespace?

I've look on the help pages (for example, Quarto – Figures), but can't get what I'm looking for as a cover image that fills the entire first (or any) page.

(edit - added the steps I'm following)

  1. Create a new Quarto PDF document (File - New File - Quarto Document)
  2. Give the file itself a name (I'm using Untitled for now)
  3. Delete everything, including the YAML information.
  4. Click on the Image icon (between Link and Format). This brings up a dialog box. Enter the information for the cover image
  5. Click Browse and find the image. Change dimensions to 8.5" wide and 11.00 inches high.
  6. Click OK
  7. Edit YAML file to set all four margins to 0.00 (see screen shot)
  8. Render the PDF file
  9. Notice the extreme amount of white space around the image

You could try the Book output maybe for your PDF ? There is cover image option for books: https://quarto.org/docs/books/book-output.html#cover-images

Otherwise look for LaTeX tooling for such feature, like the titlepic package: GitHub - ttencate/titlepic: A LaTeX package to put a picture on the title page of a document
maybe that can help.

Otherwise, you could customise template partials for your document to tweak to your need: https://quarto.org/docs/journals/templates.html#template-partials

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